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批量 MySQL 更新而不是 PHP While 循环

[英]Bulk MySQL update instead of PHP While loop

I am using PHP code to update week ending date which is on a different day for each subdomain.我正在使用 PHP 代码更新每个子域的不同日期的周结束日期。 Each subdomain date range varies.每个子域日期范围各不相同。

My current code uses a while loop to update the week end date.我当前的代码使用 while 循环来更新周末日期。 This is very slow and I am looking for ideas to optimise it.这很慢,我正在寻找优化它的想法。

Here is my current code:这是我当前的代码:

// Loop through and assign week end date to each user activity.
$nextWeek = $startDate;  // initialise while loop condition
while ($nextWeek <= $endDate) {
    $lastWeek = $nextWeek;
    $nextWeek = Carbon::parse($lastWeek)->addWeek(1)->format('Y-m-d');

    // update activity date to week end date
    $query = 'UPDATE r_active_user_activities 
                SET week_end_date = "' . $nextWeek . '"
                WHERE (activity_date > "' . $lastWeek . '" 
                    AND activity_date <= "' . $nextWeek . '"  
                    AND subdomain="' . $subdomain->subdomain . '" );';

Just append all those update queries in a php variable ($query) and execute that outside the while loop.只需将所有这些更新查询附加到 php 变量 ($query) 中,并在 while 循环之外执行。 something like this.像这样的东西。

$nextWeek = $startDate;  // initialise while loop condition
$query = '';
while ($nextWeek <= $endDate) {
$lastWeek = $nextWeek;
$nextWeek = Carbon::parse($lastWeek)->addWeek(1)->format('Y-m-d');

// update activity date to week end date
$query .= 'UPDATE r_active_user_activities 
            SET week_end_date = "' . $nextWeek . '"
            WHERE (activity_date > "' . $lastWeek . '" 
                AND activity_date <= "' . $nextWeek . '"  
                AND subdomain="' . $subdomain->subdomain . '" );';

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