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如何从 SwiftUI 调用 UIViewController

[英]How to call a UIViewController from SwiftUI

I have a SwiftUI TabView, with the 2nd tab item needing to show a UIViewController.我有一个 SwiftUI TabView,第二个选项卡项需要显示一个 UIViewController。 How can I embed the UIViewController in this second tab?如何在第二个选项卡中嵌入 UIViewController?

class MyUIVC: UIViewController {.....}

The following is some pseudocode to what I want:以下是我想要的一些伪代码:

struct myTabView: View {
@State var selectedTab: Int = 0
var body: some View {
      .tabItem { Text("First Tab") }

    MyUIVC //This is what I want to do with my UIViewController
      .tabItem { Text("Second Tab") }

You need to bridge the ViewController using UIViewControllerRepresentable.您需要使用UIViewControllerRepresentable.桥接 ViewController UIViewControllerRepresentable. . . Apple provides documentation on how to use that here: Apple 在此处提供了有关如何使用它的文档:

https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/uiviewcontrollerrepresentable https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/uiviewcontrollerrepresentable

Additionally, there's a working example of it within their SwiftUI lessons, most notably the lesson titled "Interfacing with UIKit" which can be found here:此外,在他们的 SwiftUI 课程中有一个关于它的工作示例,最著名的是标题为“与 UIKit 交互”的课程,可以在这里找到:

https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/interfacing-with-uikit https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui/interface-with-uikit

The example ViewController that they're working with looks like this:他们正在使用的示例 ViewController 如下所示:

struct PageViewController: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    var controllers: [UIViewController]

    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIPageViewController {
        let pageViewController = UIPageViewController(
            transitionStyle: .scroll,
            navigationOrientation: .horizontal)

        return pageViewController

    func updateUIViewController(_ pageViewController: UIPageViewController, context: Context) {
            [controllers[0]], direction: .forward, animated: true)

    class Coordinator: NSObject {
        var parent: PageViewController

        init(_ pageViewController: PageViewController) {
            self.parent = pageViewController

That being said, the heart and soul of bridging a ViewController is:话虽如此,桥接 ViewController 的核心和灵魂是:

1) Create a struct with a unique name for the ViewController that inherits from UIViewControllerRepresentable 1) 为继承自UIViewControllerRepresentable的 ViewController 创建一个具有唯一名称的结构

2) Implement the function makeUIViewController(context: Context) with a return type of the UIViewController 2)实现函数makeUIViewController(context: Context) ,返回类型为UIViewController

3) Implement the function updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: YourUIViewController, context: Context) without a return 3) 实现函数updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: YourUIViewController, context: Context)无返回

4) As needed, implement a Coordinator class that inherits from NSObject as well as any delegate protocols you need. 4) 根据需要,实现一个从NSObject继承的Coordinator类以及您需要的任何委托协议。

There is a bit more depending on what you need that ViewController to do, but this should get you pointed in the right direction.还有一点取决于您需要 ViewController 做什么,但这应该让您指向正确的方向。

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