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[英]How can I avoid duplicated code in this situation?

I built a javascript script that creates dynamic forms, and I'm creating a validation for each section that the user creates, that updates the title from the duplicated questions.我构建了一个创建动态表单的 javascript 脚本,我正在为用户创建的每个部分创建一个验证,从重复的问题更新标题。 So, I built a method for that.所以,我为此建立了一个方法。 The user can choose between creating a section with dropboxes, checkboxes...用户可以在创建带有保管箱、复选框的部分之间进行选择...

So, I had to create 6 methods with exacly the same code, I'm only changing the type of the list.所以,我不得不用完全相同的代码创建 6 个方法,我只是改变了列表的类型。 Is there any wait to prevent that, creating a generic method?是否有任何等待来阻止这种情况,创建一个通用方法?

    private static int CheckDuplicatedDropdownQuestions(Template template, int i, List<string> collectQuestions)
        foreach (var field in template.Fields.Dropdown)
            if (!collectQuestions.Contains(field.Title))
                field.Title = field.Title + " (" + i + ")";

        return i;

Try creating a new method for the foreach part尝试为 foreach 部分创建一个新方法

     private static int CheckDuplicatedDropdownQuestions(Template template, int i, 
    List<string> collectQuestions,string field)
           NewMethod(template.Fields.Dropdown,ref i);
        else if(field=="CheckBox")
           NewMethod(template.Fields.CheckBox,ref i);

        return i;

    private static void NewMethod(var FieldType,ref int i)
        foreach (var field in FieldType)
            if (!collectQuestions.Contains(field.Title))
                field.Title = field.Title + " (" + i + ")";

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