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如何在 python 中使用 ldap3 库管理 GroupPoliciy?

[英]How to Manage GroupPoliciy using ldap3 library in python?

I have trouble to manage the AD Server group policy with the ldap3 library.我无法使用 ldap3 库管理 AD 服务器组策略。

For example, I'm adding New-GPLink policy.例如,我正在添加New-GPLink策略。 I have tried to add an attribute [New-GPLink:[LinkEnabled]] but getting an error.我试图添加一个属性[New-GPLink:[LinkEnabled]]但出现错误。

Please suggest me below points with ldap3:请建议我使用 ldap3 的以下几点:

  1. How to add Group Policy in AD server如何在 AD 服务器中添加组策略
  2. How to remove Group Policy in AD Server如何删除 AD 服务器中的组策略
  3. How to Modify Group Policy in AD Server如何在 AD 服务器中修改组策略
  4. Is it possible to schedule installation and uninstallation operations using ldap3 library是否可以使用 ldap3 库来安排安装和卸载操作

Tried Thing:尝试的事情:

  1. Add connection添加连接
  2. Search User搜索用户
  3. Add GroupPolicy Attribute.添加 GroupPolicy 属性。

Code :代码 :

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ObjectDef, Reader
server = Server("", get_info=ALL)
admin_username = 'lab\\administrator'
admin_password = 'A1B1C1$'
conn = Connection(server, user=admin_username, password=admin_password, auto_bind=True)
search_base = 'dc=lab,dc=com'
search_filter = '(userPrincipalName=shakti@lab.com)'
conn.search(search_base=search_base, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=attributes_groups)
new_attribute = 'New-GPLink'
d_n = 'CN=shakti,DC=lab,DC=com'

Getting below error低于错误

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-292-425b72018c42> in <module>
----> 1 conn.add(dn=d_n,object_class='user',attributes=new_attribute)

c:\users\ankit.g\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\ldap3\core\connection.py in add(self, dn, object_class, attributes, controls)
    911             attr_object_class = [to_unicode(object_class) for object_class in attr_object_class]  # converts objectclass to unicode in case of bytes value
--> 912             _attributes[object_class_attr_name] = reduce(lambda x, y: x + [y] if y not in x else x, parm_object_class + attr_object_class, [])  # remove duplicate ObjectClasses
    914             if not _attributes[object_class_attr_name]:

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

The issue is that attributes should be a dictionary, not a string.问题是attributes应该是字典,而不是字符串。

attributes : a dictionary in the form {'attr1': 'val1', 'attr2': 'val2', …} or {'attr1': ['val1', 'val2', …], …} for multivalued attributes attributes : 形式为 {'attr1': 'val1', 'attr2': 'val2', ...} 或 {'attr1': ['val1', 'val2', ...], ...} 的字典,用于多值属性

I'm not sure about the attribute naming though and what value you need to set exactly but the error is just about the format (could also be something like {'gpLinkStatus': 1} ), eg.我不确定属性命名以及您需要准确设置的值,但错误仅与格式有关(也可能类似于{'gpLinkStatus': 1} ),例如。


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