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[英]Integer becomes Long when passed to the method that is expecting a Object Type

public class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
        process(true ? 1 : 2L);

    static void process(Object object)
        System.out.println(object instanceof Integer);

My expected output is true .我的预期输出是true

But actual out put is false .但实际输出是假的

My understanding is between integral data types the largest type will be assigned.我的理解是在整数数据类型之间将分配最大的类型。 If so what is this called?如果是这样,这叫什么?

The then and else parts of true ? 1 : 2l true ? 1 : 2l的 then 和 else 部分true ? 1 : 2l true ? 1 : 2l are int and long . true ? 1 : 2lintlong The result is the widest, long , the the then-part is cast to long.结果是最宽的, long ,然后部分被转换为长。 See JLS .请参阅JLS

In Computer Science a term for this is balancing types .在计算机科学中,一个术语是平衡类型

34 / 2.0        // double, more a case of _widening a type_.
c ? 2.0 : 34    // double



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