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[英]How to group messages in a chat instead of having each new message in a new section?

I'm building a chat system with React and socket.io, and I'm trying to achieve grouping messages together like Discord does it, or as seen in this screenshot .我正在使用 React 和 socket.io 构建一个聊天系统,并且我正在尝试像 Discord 那样将消息分组在一起,或者如此屏幕截图所示 Basically, instead of creating a new section with your avatar again, it will just create a new message element and append it to your pre-existing section, unless the other user you're chatting with sends you a message or if it has been too long since your last message (in this case, 1 minute).基本上,它不会再次使用您的头像创建一个新部分,它只会创建一个新的消息元素并将其附加到您预先存在的部分,除非您正在与之聊天的其他用户向您发送了一条消息,或者它已经发送给您距离您的上一条消息已经很久了(在本例中为 1 分钟)。

Link to JSFiddle.链接到 JSFiddle。

The brown messages are my messages, and the black are the other users'.棕色消息是我的消息,黑色是其他用户的消息。

What I first thought was the correct solution was to group every message by 1 minute.我首先想到的正确解决方案是将每条消息按 1 分钟分组。

const sortByMinute = _.groupBy(messages, (msg) => {
    return moment(msg.createdAt * 1000).startOf("minute").format();

However, the problem with doing this, as seen in the fiddle, is that it completely ignores when another users sends a message.然而,这样做的问题,正如在小提琴中看到的那样,当另一个用户发送消息时,它完全忽略了。 So when another user sends you a message, it still thinks it belongs in the same section, because it has no way to determine whether it comes from a new user or not, and frankly, I have no clue how to do it either.所以当另一个用户给你发送消息时,它仍然认为它属于同一部分,因为它无法确定它是否来自新用户,坦率地说,我也不知道如何去做。

How can I achieve this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

This is what I did: I divided the whole process in two steps:这就是我所做的:我将整个过程分为两步:

  1. Group the message by user (you'll need to add you 1 minute condition)按用户分组消息(您需要添加 1 分钟条件)
let lastMsg = lastMessages[lastMessages.length - 1]
            if (lastMsg.user === m.user) {
        acc[acc.length - 1] = lastMessages
      } else {
      return acc;
    }, [[firstMsg]])
  1. Create the data structure that you use to display the messages.创建用于显示消息的数据结构。
const groups = newMessages.reduce((acc, m) => {
        const message = m[m.length - 1]
      acc[moment(message.createdAt * 1000).format()] = m
      return acc
    }, {})

Check the example: https://jsfiddle.net/Lw8gs6x7/检查示例: https : //jsfiddle.net/Lw8gs6x7/

Note: you'll need to refactor my code.注意:您需要重构我的代码。 It is not very clean.它不是很干净。

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