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如何知道对我的代码 (SERVER) 进行了哪些 API 调用? 与原生 Android 开发人员合作时

[英]How to know which API calls are made to my code (SERVER) ? When working with a Native Android Developer

For the first time I have started working with a Android Developer.我第一次开始与 Android 开发人员合作。 I am writing for him CodeIgniter RESTful API.我正在为他编写 CodeIgniter RESTful API。

I just want to ask that how can I know what are the POST variables he sending to my API when hitting a particular one.我只是想问一下,当点击特定的变量时,我怎么知道他发送给我的 API 的 POST 变量是什么。

Because many times he is sending a different format of POST while my ready function is expecting some different POST formats or sometime totally different POST.因为很多时候他发送的是不同格式的 POST,而我的就绪函数期待一些不同的 POST 格式或有时完全不同的 POST。

Is there any way I can know what and which POST formats he is posting on my functions.有什么方法可以让我知道他在我的函数上发布了什么以及哪些 POST 格式。 So that if he is sending a wrong format I can immediately tell him to send the inputs in a particular format.这样,如果他发送错误的格式,我可以立即告诉他以特定格式发送输入。

I got a solution for my problem.我得到了解决我的问题的方法。 I am maintaining a log file now, which keeps on logging all the API hits on my server.我现在正在维护一个日志文件,它会不断记录我服务器上的所有 API 命中。 With POSTs sent along with API call.随着 POST 与 API 调用一起发送。


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