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如何将 XML 字符串添加到现有 BaseX 数据库?

[英]How to add an XML string to an existing BaseX database?

Using org.json and, crucially, JSONArray rather than JSONObject , managed to, seemingly at least , get XML output through Twitter4J .使用org.json以及至关重要的JSONArray而不是JSONObject似乎至少成功地通过Twitter4J获得了XML输出。 However, it shows as:但是,它显示为:

The Markup In The Document Following The Root Element Must Be Well-formed., Line '1', Column '98'.
The Markup In The Document Following The Root Element Must Be Well-formed.

When validation is attempted.尝试验证时。

It does, however, have at least the appearance of XML .但是,它至少具有XML外观

Assuming that BaseX will wrangle the XML sufficiently, I'm looking to add the document to a database as:假设BaseX将充分处理XML ,我希望将文档添加到数据库中:

    new Open(databaseName).execute(context);
    for (int i = 0; i < tweets.length(); i++) {
        jsonStringTweet = tweets.get(i).toString();
        jsonObjectTweet = new org.json.JSONObject(jsonStringTweet);
        stringXml = XML.toString(jsonObjectTweet);
        new Add(null, stringXml).execute(context);

With reference to:参考:

Constructor Detail构造函数详细信息

Add public Add(java.lang.String path) Constructor, specifying a target path. The input needs to be set via Command.setInput(InputStream). Parameters: path - target path, optionally terminated by a new file name Add public Add(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String input) Constructor, specifying a target path and an input. Parameters: path - target path, optionally terminated by a new file name. If null, the name of the input will be set as path. input - input file or XML string

However, I don't quite follow the requirements.但是,我不太符合要求。 The input seems to say that it will work with an XML string, which, presumably is what is being passed.输入似乎说它将与XML字符串一起使用,这大概是传递的内容。 Is that the correct way to add XML to a database?这是将XML添加到数据库的正确方法吗?

Java Code: Java代码:

package basex;

import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.basex.core.BaseXException;
import org.basex.core.Context;
import org.basex.core.cmd.Add;
import org.basex.core.cmd.Open;
import org.basex.core.cmd.CreateDB;
import org.basex.core.cmd.DropDB;
import org.basex.core.cmd.List;
import org.basex.core.cmd.Set;
import org.json.XML;
import twitter4j.JSONArray;
import twitter4j.JSONException;

public class DatabaseHelper {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseHelper.class.getName());
    private Properties properties = new Properties();
    private URL url = null;
    private String databaseName = null;
    private Context context = null;
    private String parserType = null;

    private DatabaseHelper() {

    public DatabaseHelper(Properties properties) {
        this.properties = properties;

    private void init() throws MalformedURLException, BaseXException {
        parserType = properties.getProperty("parserType");
        url = new URL(properties.getProperty(parserType + "URL"));
        databaseName = properties.getProperty("databaseName");
        context = new Context();

    private void list() throws BaseXException {
        log.fine(new List().execute(context));

    private void drop() throws BaseXException {
        new Set("parser", parserType).execute(context);
        new DropDB(databaseName).execute(context);

    private void create() throws BaseXException, JSONException {
        new Set("parser", parserType).execute(context);
        new CreateDB(databaseName).execute(context);
        new List().execute(context);

    private void add(JSONArray tweets) throws JSONException, BaseXException {
        long id = 0L;
        String jsonStringTweet = null;
        org.json.JSONObject jsonObjectTweet = null;
        String stringXml = null;

        new Open(databaseName).execute(context);
        for (int i = 0; i < tweets.length(); i++) {
            jsonStringTweet = tweets.get(i).toString();
            jsonObjectTweet = new org.json.JSONObject(jsonStringTweet);
            stringXml = XML.toString(jsonObjectTweet);
            new Add(null, stringXml).execute(context);

    public void dropCreateAdd(JSONArray tweets) throws MalformedURLException, BaseXException, JSONException {


sorta kinda works, at least can add an XML file:有点工作,至少可以添加一个XML文件:

thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects/twitterBaseX$ basex
BaseX 9.0.1 [Standalone]
Try 'help' to get more information.
> list
Name                 Resources  Size    Input Path                               
com.w3schools.books  1          6290    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/books.xml  
db                   1          101838                                           
twitter              15         5203                                             
w3school_data        1          5209    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml   

4 database(s).
> drop database twitter
Database 'twitter' was dropped.
> list
Name                 Resources  Size    Input Path                               
com.w3schools.books  1          6290    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/books.xml  
db                   1          101838                                           
w3school_data        1          5209    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml   

3 database(s).
> exit
Have a nice day.
thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects/twitterBaseX$ gradle clean run                                    

> Task :run                                                                                     
/home/thufir/basex/.basex: writing new configuration file.

4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects/twitterBaseX$ basex                                               
/home/thufir/basex/.basex: Unknown option 'RESTXQERRORS'.
/home/thufir/basex/.basex: writing new configuration file.
BaseX 9.0.1 [Standalone]
Try 'help' to get more information.
> list
Name                 Resources  Size    Input Path                               
com.w3schools.books  1          6290    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/books.xml  
db                   1          101838                                           
twitter              15         5203                                             
w3school_data        1          5209    https://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml   

4 database(s).
> open twitter
Database 'twitter' was opened in 57.09 ms.
> xquery /
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>
Query executed in 232.89 ms.


        new Open(databaseName).execute(context);
        for (int i = 0; i < tweets.length(); i++) {
            jsonStringTweet = tweets.get(i).toString();
            jsonObjectTweet = new org.json.JSONObject(jsonStringTweet);
            stringXml = XML.toString(jsonObjectTweet);
            new Add(null, "data.xml").execute(context);

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