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为什么 rand() 一直给出相同的值?

[英]Why rand() keep giving the same value?

Every time the function gets called, it's always "number = 5".每次调用该函数时,总是“number = 5”。 The number always stays 5. I checked it already to make sure that srand is only ran once some I'm confused.数字始终保持为 5。我已经检查过它以确保 srand 只运行一次,有些我很困惑。 This is a function inside of a class.这是一个类内部的函数。

int playType::getComputerMove(){
    int number;
    if(gamesPlayed == 0){
    number = rand() % 1 + 5;
    return number;

Your issue is with the order of operations.您的问题与操作顺序有关。 rand() % 1 is resolved before the adding five. rand() % 1在添加 5 之前被解析。 Since n % 1 = 0 , you will always get 5. Essentially, what is happening is this:由于n % 1 = 0 ,你总是会得到 5。本质上,发生的事情是这样的:

number = (rand() % 1) + 5;

In order to fix this, you will want to add parenthesis this way:为了解决这个问题,您需要以这种方式添加括号:

number = rand() % (1 + 5);

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