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[英]How to do default sorting in react-table

I am using react-table v7 https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-table for creating tables.我正在使用 react-table v7 https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-table创建表。

  1. I am able to do sorting to all the columns by referring this example of sorting https://codesandbox.io/s/github/tannerlinsley/react-table/tree/master/examples/sorting .通过参考这个排序https://codesandbox.io/s/github/tannerlinsley/react-table/tree/master/examples/sorting示例,我可以对所有列进行排序。 Now I dont want all columns to sort but some specfic columns and I want to sort 2 columns by default descending.现在我不希望对所有列进行排序,而是希望对某些特定列进行排序,并且我希望默认降序对 2 列进行排序。 Can someone please help me with this.有人可以帮我解决这个问题。

  2. After applying filters to the table I want to clear all the applied filters.将过滤器应用于表后,我想清除所有应用的过滤器。 Can someone please help in solving this issue too ?有人也可以帮忙解决这个问题吗?

Thank you谢谢

The other answer given was for react-table that didn't use react hooks (< v7).给出的另一个答案是针对不使用反应钩子(< v7)的反应表。 In order to sort a column (or columns) when the table is built, you just have to set the sortBy array on the initialState in the useTable hook.为了在构建表时对一列(或多列)进行排序,您只需在 useTable 钩子中的 initialState 上设置 sortBy 数组。

const {
} = useTable(
        initialState: {
            sortBy: [
                    id: 'columnId',
                    desc: false

you can pass sorted options to ReactTable please try with below code.您可以将排序选项传递给 ReactTable 请尝试使用以下代码。 And for clear try with button click call clear function.并为清除尝试按钮单击调用清除功能。

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      sortOptions: [{ id: 'age', desc: true },{ id: 'visits', desc: true }],

    onSortedChange={val => {
    this.setState({ sortOptions: val }) }}
    data={data} />

It works for me https://codesandbox.io/s/stupefied-hoover-ibz6f它对我有用 https://codesandbox.io/s/stupefied-hoover-ibz6f

You need to import the 'useSortBy' hook provided by react-table to make it work as expected.您需要导入 react-table 提供的“useSortBy”钩子以使其按预期工作。

import React from 'react'
import { useTable, useSortBy } from 'react-table';

function Table({ columns, data, ...rest }) {
    const {
    } = useTable({
        ...(rest.initialState && {
            initialState: rest.initialState
    }, useSortBy);

I had a slightly different use case and wanted to get multi-sorting by default on initial load, but then also keep that sorting order behind any future sorts我有一个略有不同的用例,并希望在初始加载时默认进行多重排序,但也将该排序顺序保留在任何未来排序之后

sandbox example here: https://codesandbox.io/s/goofy-shadow-9tskr?file=/src/App.js沙盒示例: https : //codesandbox.io/s/goofy-shadow-9tskr?file=/ src/ App.js

The trick is NOT using the built in getSortByToggleProps() and instead adding your own onClick that uses the setSortBy func.诀窍不是使用内置的 getSortByToggleProps() 而是添加您自己的使用 setSortBy 函数的 onClick 。

Below code inspired from @khai nguyen's answer以下代码灵感来自@khai nguyen 的回答

import React from 'react'
import { useTable, useSortBy } from 'react-table';

function Table({ columns, data, sortBy ...rest }) {
    const {
    } = useTable({
        initialState: {sortBy}
    }, useSortBy); 

Then in your column header element:然后在您的列标题元素中:

{headerGroup.headers.map(column => (
         onClick={() => handleMultiSortBy(column, setSortBy, sortBy)}

and the handleMultiSortByCode (my custom function, not from react-table):和 handleMultiSortByCode(我的自定义函数,不是来自 react-table):

isSortedDesc can be either true/false/undefined isSortedDesc 可以是真/假/未定义

export const handleMultiSortBy = (column, setSortBy, meinSortBy) => {
  //set sort desc, aesc or none?
  const desc =
    column.isSortedDesc === true
      ? undefined
      : column.isSortedDesc === false
      ? true
      : false;
  setSortBy([{ id: column.id, desc }, ...meinSortBy]);

Note: The default toggleSortBy() func had a e.persist() in it.注意:默认的 toggleSortBy() 函数中有一个 e.persist() 。 I'm not sure what function it served, but not using it doesn't have any ill effects that I've noticed - the stock multi-sort doesn't work (holding shift) but adding it back didn't fix that.我不确定它提供了什么功能,但不使用它并没有我注意到的任何不良影响 - 股票多重排序不起作用(保持班次)但将其添加回来并没有解决这个问题。 Suspect you might need the stock toggleSort for that.怀疑您可能需要股票 toggleSort。

Thanks a lot !非常感谢 ! I sorted out the answer at-last !我终于把答案整理出来了! About default Sort, I sorted the data of the table descending and got the data by-default as descending .关于默认排序,我对表的数据进行了降序排序,得到的数据默认为降序。 And for clear button How to clear all filters in react-table , please do refer this link !对于清除按钮如何清除 react-table 中的所有过滤器,请参阅此链接!

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