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AKS RBAC - 角色绑定无效

[英]AKS RBAC - Rolebinding has no effect

I'm setting up RBAC in my AKS cluster which is integrated with Azure AD following the instructions here .我正在按照此处的说明与 Azure AD 集成的 AKS 群集中设置 RBAC。 I have created an AD group in my AAD tenant, added a user to it.我在我的 AAD 租户中创建了一个 AD 组,向其中添加了一个用户。 Then the group is assigned "Cluster User role" in the AKS cluster as per the instructions.然后,按照说明在 AKS 群集中为该组分配“群集用户角色”。 Created a Role and Rolebinding as shown below:创建了一个角色和角色绑定,如下所示:


apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  namespace: development
  name: restricted-role
- apiGroups: [""] 
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]


apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: read-pods
  namespace: development
- kind: Group
  name: 308f50cb-e05a-4340-99d4-xxxxxxxb 
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  namespace: development
  kind: Role 
  name: restricted-role 
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

I then tried login using the new user credentials:然后我尝试使用新用户凭据登录:

az login --username kubeuser@xxx.onmicrosoft.com --password xxxx

az aks get-credentials --name mycluster --resource-group myrg --overwrite-existing

As per the documentation, I should be only allowed to do kubectl get pods on the development namespace.根据文档,我应该只被允许在开发命名空间上执行 kubectl get pods。 However, using this new user credentials, I see that I can do kubectl get pods --all-namespaces, kubectl get svc --all-namespaces etc. and view the results, as if the Rolebinding does not have any impact at all.但是,使用这个新用户凭据,我发现我可以执行 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces、kubectl get svc --all-namespaces 等操作并查看结果,就好像 Rolebinding 根本没有任何影响一样。 I also have verified by checking that my cluster has我还通过检查我的集群是否有验证

"enableRBAC": true “启用RBAC”:真

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this configuration?有人可以告诉我这个配置有什么问题吗?

Using the command:使用命令:

az aks show -g <rg> -n <clusterName> --query aadProfile

you can confirm if the cluster is AAD enabled.您可以确认集群是否启用了 AAD。 If enabled, the kubeconfig file you get from:如果启用,您从以下位置获得的kubeconfig文件:

az aks get-credentials -g <rg_name> -n <aks_name>

should look like:应该看起来像:

      apiserver-id: <appserverid>
      client-id: <clientid>
      environment: AzurePublicCloud
      tenant-id: <tenant>
    name: azure

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