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弹跳球游戏 tkinter 画布

[英]Bouncing ball game tkinter canvas

I write a game in python in which the goal is to bounce the ball off the platform.我用 python 编写了一个游戏,其中的目标是将球从平台上弹开。 Everything works pretty well, but the platform's movement is not that smooth.一切都很好,但平台的运动不是那么流畅。 Could you help me make the platform movement more smooth?你能帮我让平台运动更流畅吗? If the code isn't too clear, I'm sorry, but I'm new in python如果代码不太清楚,我很抱歉,但我是python的新手

import tkinter as tk
import random

root = tk.Tk()

width = 900
height = 500

canvas = tk.Canvas(root, bg='white', width=width, height=height)

x = random.randrange(700)

ball = canvas.create_oval(x+10, 10, x+50, 50, fill='green')

platform_y = height - 20
platform = canvas.create_rectangle(width//2-50, platform_y, width//2+50, platform_y+10, fill='black')

xspeed = 2
yspeed = 2
skore = 0
body = 0

def move_ball():
  global xspeed
  global yspeed
  x1, y1, x2, y2 = canvas.coords(ball)
  if x1 <= 0 or x2 >= width:
    xspeed = -xspeed
  if y1 <= 0:
    yspeed = 10
  elif y2 == platform_y: 
    cx = (x1 + x2) // 2
    px1, _, px2, _ = canvas.coords(platform)
    if px1 <= cx <= px2:
      yspeed = -10
      canvas.create_text(width//2, height//2, text='Game Over', font=('Arial Bold', 32), fill='red')
  canvas.move(ball, xspeed, yspeed)
  canvas.after(20, move_ball)

def board_right(event):
  x1, y1, x2, y2 = canvas.coords(platform) 
  if x2 < width:
    dx = min(width-x2, 10)
    canvas.move(platform, dx, 0)

def board_left(event):
  x1, y1, x2, y2 = canvas.coords(platform)
  if x1 > 0:
    dx = min(x1, 10)
    canvas.move(platform, -dx, 0)

canvas.bind_all('<Right>', board_right)
canvas.bind_all('<Left>', board_left)



The problem is that the speed of the platform is dependent on the auto-repeat speed of your keyboard.问题是平台的速度取决于键盘的自动重复速度。

Instead of moving once for each <Right> or <Left> event, use a key press to start the platform moving in the desired direction and a key release to stop the platform moving.不是为每个<Right><Left>事件移动一次,而是使用按键启动平台向所需方向移动,然后释放按键停止平台移动。 Then, use after to repeatedly move the platform in the given direction.然后,使用after向给定方向重复移动平台。


after_id = None
def platform_move(direction):
    direction should be -1 to move left, +1 to move right,
    or 0 to stop moving
    global after_id
    speed = 10
    if direction == 0:
        after_id = None
        canvas.move(platform, direction*speed, 0)
        after_id = canvas.after(5, platform_move, direction)

canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-Right>", lambda event: platform_move(1))
canvas.bind_all("<KeyRelease-Right>", lambda event: platform_move(0))
canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-Left>", lambda event: platform_move(-1))
canvas.bind_all("<KeyRelease-Left>", lambda event: platform_move(0))

The above code doesn't handle the case where you might press both keys at the same time, but that can be handled with a little additional logic.上面的代码不能处理您可能同时按下两个键的情况,但可以通过一些额外的逻辑来处理。 The point is to show how you can use the keys to start and stop an animation.重点是展示如何使用键来启动和停止动画。

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