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[英]Groupby for large number columns in pandas

I am trying to loop through multiple excel files in pandas.我正在尝试遍历熊猫中的多个 excel 文件。 The structure of the files are very much similar, the first 10 column forms a key and rest of the columns have the values.文件的结构非常相似,前 10 列形成一个键,其余列具有值。 I want to group by first 10 columns and sum the rest.我想按前 10 列分组并对其余列求和。

I have searched and found solutions online for similar cases but my problem is that我已经在网上搜索并找到了类似案例的解决方案,但我的问题是

  • I have large number of columns with values ( to be aggregate as sum) and我有大量带有值的列(要聚合为总和)和

  • Number / names of columns(with values) is different for each file(dataframe)每个文件(数据框)的列数/名称(带值)是不同的

    #Key columns are same across all the files. #Key 列在所有文件中都相同。

I can't share the actual data sample but here is the format sample of the file structure我不能分享实际的数据样本,但这里是文件结构的格式样本


and here is the desired output from the above data这是上述数据所需的输出


It is like a groupby operation but with uncertain large number of columns and header name makes it difficult to use groupby or pivot.它类似于 groupby 操作,但不确定的大量列和标题名称使得使用 groupby 或 pivot 变得困难。 Can Any one suggest me what is the best possible solution for it in python.任何人都可以建议我在python中最好的解决方案是什么。



is working but for some reason it is taking 25-30 mins.正在工作,但由于某种原因需要 25-30 分钟。 the same thing MS Access is done in 1-2 mins .同样的事情 MS Access 在 1-2 分钟内完成。 Am I doing something wrong here or is there any other way to do it in python itself我在这里做错了什么,还是有其他方法可以在 python 中做到这一点

Just use df.columns which has the list of columns, you can then use a slice on that list to get the 10 leftmost columns.只需使用具有列列表的df.columns ,然后您就可以使用该列表上的切片来获取最左边的 10 列。

This should work:这应该有效:


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