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Spring HATEOAS 1.x 上的 ResourceSupport.getId()

[英]ResourceSupport.getId() on Spring HATEOAS 1.x

I am learning how to use Spring Boot to build REST APIs through a written tutorial and HATEOAS is used at some point.我正在通过书面教程学习如何使用 Spring Boot 构建 REST API,并且在某些时候使用了 HATEOAS。 It seems the tutorial uses a now outdated version (0.x) since the classes Resource, Resources, ControllerLinkBuilder etc. weren't being found, so after some digging I found out 1.x had modified the structure and naming of some classes.由于没有找到类 Resource、Resources、ControllerLinkBuilder 等,本教程似乎使用了一个现在过时的版本 (0.x),所以经过一番挖掘,我发现 1.x 修改了一些类的结构和命名。 I just swapped out every mention of a class/method with its updated version (Resource with EntityModel, etc.) and didn't run into much trouble until I got stuck at the part where a resource's "self" link was needed to generate an HTTP response for the POST command:我只是用更新的版本(带有 EntityModel 的资源等)替换了对类/方法的所有提及,直到我卡在需要资源的“自我”链接来生成一个POST 命令的 HTTP 响应:

ResponseEntity<?> newEmployee(@RequestBody Employee newEmployee) throws URISyntaxException {

  Resource<Employee> resource = assembler.toResource(repository.save(newEmployee));

  return ResponseEntity
    .created(new URI(resource.getId().expand().getHref()))

Is there an equivalent for是否有等价物


For EntityModel in HATEOAS 1.x?对于 HATEOAS 1.x 中的 EntityModel?

This is the class the "assembler" variable is an instance of:这是“汇编程序”变量是一个实例的类:

package payroll;

import static org.springframework.hateoas.server.mvc.WebMvcLinkBuilder.*;

import org.springframework.hateoas.EntityModel;
import org.springframework.hateoas.server.RepresentationModelAssembler;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

class EmployeeResourceAssembler implements RepresentationModelAssembler<Employee, EntityModel<Employee>> {

    public EntityModel<Employee> toModel(Employee employee) {

        return new EntityModel<>(employee,

Found it, that was equivalent to doing this in HATEOAS 1.x:找到了,这相当于在 HATEOAS 1.x 中执行此操作:

return ResponseEntity
                .created(new URI(resource.getLink("self").orElse(new Link("self")).getHref()))

Since getLink() returns an Optional<Link> I just had to add orElse() case so that it's "unwrapped".由于getLink()返回一个Optional<Link>我只需要添加orElse()案例以便它“解包”。

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