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WinSock 非阻塞 I/O

[英]WinSock Non-Blocking I/O

I have a WSASocket which when connected calls CreateProcess and servers cmd.exe, I wanted to implement a pipe in-between the processes hStdInput and the Socket Handle to parse commands that get sent over the socket, everything seems to run smoothly except for when I run a command like "ping" and have to wait for output, nothing shows up until I send more data over the socket, it seems my ReadFile call is blocking hStdOut handler from sending anything.我有一个 WSASocket,当连接调用 CreateProcess 和服务器 cmd.exe 时,我想在进程 hStdInput 和套接字句柄之间实现一个管道来解析通过套接字发送的命令,除了当我运行像“ping”这样的命令并且必须等待输出,在我通过套接字发送更多数据之前没有任何显示,似乎我的 ReadFile 调用阻止了 hStdOut 处理程序发送任何内容。 Is there any way to fix this?有没有什么办法解决这一问题? Please don't be offended by my code I'm writing this project as a learning exercise, any help would be appreciated.请不要被我的代码冒犯我正在编写这个项目作为学习练习,任何帮助将不胜感激。

int syncShell(SOCKET *ConnectSocket) {
    int iResult = 0;
    printf("Spawning process\n");
    char Process[] = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe";
    STARTUPINFO sinfo;
    memset(&sinfo, 0, sizeof(sinfo));
    sinfo.cb = sizeof(sinfo);

    // create pipe for external commands
    saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); 
    saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; 
    saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
    HANDLE hReadPipe = NULL, hWritePipe = NULL;
    iResult = CreatePipe(&hReadPipe, &hWritePipe, &saAttr, DEFAULT_BUFLEN);
    if (iResult == 0) {
        printf("Pipe Error");

    sinfo.hStdOutput = sinfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) *ConnectSocket;
    sinfo.hStdInput = hReadPipe;

    if (!CreateProcessA(NULL, Process, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo)) {
        printf("CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError());

    // implement pipe logic
    char buf[DEFAULT_BUFLEN];
    DWORD len = 0;
    WSABUF DataBuf;

    while (1) {
        // causing the block?
        iResult = ReadFile((HANDLE) *ConnectSocket, buf, DEFAULT_BUFLEN, &len, NULL);
        if (iResult == 0) {
            printf("File Error or non-blocking");
        else {
            printf("%d: %.*s\n", len, len, buf);
            WriteFile(hWritePipe, buf, len, NULL, NULL);

    WaitForSingleObject(pinfo.hProcess, INFINITE); // waits till proc finishes
    printf("Process exited\n");

    return 0;

First, according to the [ ReadFile ] document:首先,根据【 ReadFile 】文档:

For asynchronous read operations, hFile can be any handle that is opened with the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag by the CreateFile function, or a socket handle returned by the socket or accept function.对于异步读取操作,hFile 可以是CreateFile函数使用FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED标志打开的任何句柄,或者是socketaccept函数返回的套接字句柄。

socket create a socket handle with WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED by default. socket默认使用WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED创建一个套接字句柄。 You will get error code 87( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) if you pass a Overlapped handle and set the last parameter of ReadFile as NULL .如果传递 Overlapped 句柄并将ReadFile的最后一个参数设置为NULL则会得到错误代码 87( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER )。 Sample to use Overlapped:使用重叠的示例:

OVERLAPPED oRead = { 0 };
oRead.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);  
iResult = ReadFile((HANDLE)ConnectSocket, buf, DEFAULT_BUFLEN, &len, &oRead);
if (!iResult && GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
    WaitForSingleObject(oRead.hEvent, INFINITE);
buf[oRead.InternalHigh] = 0;  //set string terminator for printf
printf("%s\n", buf);
WriteFile(hWritePipe1, buf, oRead.InternalHigh, NULL, NULL);

And it's better to use recv() directly:而且最好直接使用recv()

iResult = recv(ConnectSocket, buf, DEFAULT_BUFLEN, 0);
buf[iResult] = 0;  //set string terminator for printf
printf("%s\n", buf);
WriteFile(hWritePipe1, buf, iResult, NULL, NULL);

In addition, the overlapped socket could be used for redirected IO to child processes You could create 2 pipes to communicate with child process:此外,重叠套接字可用于将 IO 重定向到子进程您可以创建 2 个管道与子进程通信:

iResult = CreatePipe(&hReadPipe1, &hWritePipe1, &saAttr, DEFAULT_BUFLEN);
if (iResult == 0) {
    printf("Pipe Error");
iResult = CreatePipe(&hReadPipe2, &hWritePipe2, &saAttr, DEFAULT_BUFLEN);
if (iResult == 0) {
    printf("Pipe Error");

Read from child process( cmd.exe ), and send to client.从子进程( cmd.exe )读取,并发送到客户端。


Just use WSASocket instead of socket , and do NOT specify the WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED .(recommended)只需使用WSASocket而不是socket ,并且不要指定WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED 。(推荐)

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