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如何使用 selenium、junit 和 jenkins 执行性能测试

[英]How to execute performance tests with selenium, junit and jenkins

I know JMeter is a good performance tool.我知道 JMeter 是一个很好的性能工具。

Unfortunately, for performance tests I only have: Selenium, Junit, Jenkins (or additional plugins for Jenkins. Do you know any?)不幸的是,对于性能测试,我只有:Selenium、Junit、Jenkins(或 Jenkins 的其他插件。你知道吗?)

I have Junit tests written in Selenium.我有用 Selenium 编写的 Junit 测试。

Each of the nodes in Jenkins is able to serve 5 threads. Jenkins 中的每个节点都能够为 5 个线程提供服务。 Is it a good solution to run tests on several machines in parallel (in Chrome) to easily check if each test will pass at a similar time?在多台机器上并行运行测试(在 Chrome 中)以轻松检查每个测试是否会在相似的时间通过是一个很好的解决方案吗?

Maybe you have another way to test performance using Selenium, Junit and Jenkins (or Jenkins plugins)?也许您有另一种使用 Selenium、Junit 和 Jenkins(或 Jenkins 插件)测试性能的方法?

Selenium is meant for browser automation and not for analysing the performance. Selenium 用于浏览器自动化,而不是用于分析性能。 I would not suggest to do so.我不建议这样做。 Since you are about to run tests on several machines in parallel, it would ease your job on executing the scripts faster and giving you results on performance of application.由于您将要在多台机器上并行运行测试,因此您可以更快地执行脚本并为您提供应用程序性能的结果。

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