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如何在不调用 imageChangedEvent 事件的情况下在 ngx-image-cropper 上加载图像?

[英]How to load the image on the ngx-image-cropper without calling the imageChangedEvent event?

I developed a cropper based on ngx-image-cropper which allows to crop/rotate some images.我开发了一个基于 ngx-image-cropper 的裁剪器,它允许裁剪/旋转一些图像。 For the demo of the sprint, I want the images to be displayed when the application is starting, so I need to initiate the images on ngx-image-cropper without calling the fileChangeEvent() event.对于sprint的demo,我希望在应用程序启动时显示图像,所以我需要在不调用fileChangeEvent()事件的情况下在ngx-image-cropper上启动图像。

This is the actual result , it works fine.这是实际结果,它工作正常。

I click on one of the links ( Photo - Signature - ... ) and the file Uploader is opened to choose a photo to crop.我单击其中一个链接(照片 - 签名 - ...),然后打开文件上传器以选择要裁剪的照片。


This is what i want to :这就是我想要的:

when accessing the page in the begining, load a file from my disk without clicking on the link.在开始访问页面时,从我的磁盘加载文件,而无需单击链接。


Ps : I m using Angular 8 Ps:我正在使用 Angular 8

And here the code of the cropper :这里是裁剪器的代码:

       <mat-card-content style="padding:3% 5%; text-align: center; ">
          <image-cropper [ngClass]=" loaded && showCropper && !cropped ? 'showCropper' : 'hideCropper' "
            [aspectRatio]="5 / 3"
            [style.display]="showCropper ? null : 'none'"
            *ngIf="loaded && !showCropper && cropped"
          <div *ngIf="!loaded" class="divNone"></div>
          <div class="icon-image">
            <mat-icon (click)="rotateLeft()">rotate_left</mat-icon>
            <mat-icon (click)="rotateRight()">rotate_right</mat-icon>
            <mat-icon (click)="activateCrop()">crop</mat-icon>
            <mat-icon (click)="clearImage()">clear</mat-icon>
            <mat-icon (click)="validate()">check</mat-icon>

        <mat-list-item class="item-doc text-blue-in">
              <mat-icon class="icon-info" matTooltipPosition="above" matTooltip="Info about the photo">info</mat-icon>
              <mat-icon *ngIf="!photo" class="text-grey-in">check_box_outline_blank</mat-icon>
              <mat-icon *ngIf="photo" class="text-grey-in">check_box</mat-icon>
              <input style="visibility: hidden; display: none;" #linkPhoto type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event, 'photo')"/>
              <mat-label class="doc-title text-grey-in" (click)="onLoadPhoto()" >Photo</mat-label>
              <mat-icon *ngIf="photoSent" class="icon-edit" (click)="editPhoto()">edit</mat-icon                  >

So the question is : How to load image from disk in the ngx-image-cropper without calling the fileChangedEvent ?所以问题是:如何在 ngx-image-cropper 中从磁盘加载图像而不调用 fileChangedEvent ?

1) if you want instead of selecting an image using the Uploader / open window (from input file) and loading the image from the project directory (with eg assets/images) or entering it as a string (base64) you must add one input: 1)如果您不想使用上传器/打开窗口(从输入文件)选择图像并从项目目录(例如资产/图像)加载图像将其作为字符串(base64)输入,则必须添加一个输入:

[imageBase64] = "imageBase64String"

where imageBase64String is not (../../assets/image.jpg)其中 imageBase64String 不是 (../../assets/image.jpg)

but the value of base64 (date:image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGQA.....)但是base64的值(date:image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAGQA.....)

2) The author writes that: 2)作者写道:

"All inputs are optional. Either the imageChangedEvent, imageBase64 or imageFile should be set to load an image into the cropper." “所有输入都是可选的。应该设置 imageChangedEvent、imageBase64 或 imageFile 以将图像加载到裁剪器中。”


Input imageBase64 (string):输入 imageBase64(字符串):

"If you don't want to use a file input, you can set a base64 image directly and it will be loaded into the cropper" “如果你不想使用文件输入,你可以直接设置一个base64图像,它会被加载到裁剪器中”

3) To not have an error in the console: 3)为了在控制台中没有错误:

"ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Event: {" isTrusted ": true}"

The best addition is ngIf (all might look like this):最好的添加是 ngIf(所有可能看起来像这样):


4) And how to add base64? 4)以及如何添加base64?

You can create a function eg getBase64FromFile(img) {...} and do it using XMLHttpRequest() + FileReader() and assign the result to this.imageBase64String = (base64 as any).result您可以创建一个函数,例如getBase64FromFile(img) {...}并使用XMLHttpRequest() + FileReader()并将结果分配给this.imageBase64String = (base64 as any).result

when ngx-image-cropper loads, eg当 ngx-image-cropper 加载时,例如

ngAfterViewInit (): void {

See, It's interesting here http://www.programmersought.com/article/52582038406/看,这里很有趣http://www.programmersought.com/article/52582038406/

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