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[英]Find intersection between two arrays of objects of different length

I have two arrays of objects that share a property with the same name ( userId ), but have different lengths.我有两个对象数组,它们共享一个具有相同名称( userId )但长度不同的属性。 Here is a simple example:这是一个简单的例子:

const arr1= [
        userId: "1", 
       userId: "16", 

const arr2= [
        userId: "1", 
        story:"Big fight"
        story:"big momentum"

My ideal outcome would be to have one array which combines both objects that match in property with userId (and all objects that match in property) and keeps all of the properties of both.我的理想结果是拥有一个数组,该数组将属性中匹配的两个对象与userId (以及属性中匹配的所有对象)组合在一起,并保留两者的所有属性。

I´ve tried using concat and then filtering, but to no avail.我试过使用concat然后过滤,但无济于事。 Any clues or suggestion on how this can be accomplished?关于如何实现这一点的任何线索或建议?

This can be a possible solution:这可能是一个可能的解决方案:

 const arr1 = [{userId: "1", name:"Tommy", hobbies:"fighting"}, {userId: "16", name:"Kino", hobbies:"skating"}]; const arr2 = [{userId: "1", story:"Big fight"}, {userId:"16", story:"big momentum"}]; const obj = [...arr1, ...arr2].reduce((acc, el) => { acc[el.userId] = {...acc[el.userId], ...el}; return acc; }, {}); const result = Object.values(obj); console.log(result);

I think you need to do something like:我认为您需要执行以下操作:

 function combByPropVal(){ const a = [].slice.call(arguments), prop = a.shift(), val = a.shift(), o = {}; a[0].forEach(obj=>{ if(prop in obj && obj[prop] === val){ o[prop] = val; for(let i in obj){ if(i !== prop)o[i] = obj[i]; } } }); return o; } const arr1 = [{userId: "1", name:"Tommy", hobbies:"fighting"}, {userId: "16", name:"Kino", hobbies:"skating"}]; const arr2 = [{userId: "1", story:"Big fight"}, {userId:"16", story:"big momentum"}]; console.log(combByPropVal('userId', '1', arr1.concat(arr2)));

combByPropVal takes three arguments property , value , and an Array of Objects . combByPropVal接受三个参数propertyvalue和一个Array of Objects I used .concat to create a new Array before passing it in.我使用.concat在传入之前创建了一个新数组。

Let's assume you have two arrays, arr1 and arr2 .假设您有两个数组, arr1arr2 Length of arr1 might be longer or equals to arr2 . arr1长度可能更长或等于arr2 Difference between an object in arr2 and arr1 is the story property. arr2arr1的对象之间的区别在于story属性。

const arr1 = [
  { userId: "1", name: "Tommy", hobbies: "fighting" }, 
  { userId: "16", name: "Kino", hobbies: "skating" }, 
  { userId: "17", name: "Tom", hobbies: "Tennis" }
const arr2 = [
  { userId: "1", story: "Big fight" }, 
  { userId: "16", story: "big momentum" }
const result = arr1.map(obj1 => {
  const obj2IfExist = arr2.find(obj2 => obj2.userId === obj1.userId);
  obj1['story'] = obj2IfExist? obj2IfExist['story'] : null;
  return obj1


That's what you got:这就是你得到的:

  { userId: "1", name: "Tommy", hobbies: "fighting", story: "Big fight" },
  { userId: "16", name: "Kino", hobbies: "skating", story: "big momentum" },
  { userId: "17", name: "Tom", hobbies: "Tennis", story: null }

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