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如何在 build.gradle.kts 脚本的插件块中参数化 Kotlin 版本?

[英]How to parametrize Kotlin version in the plugins block of a build.gradle.kts script?

In the script below:在下面的脚本中:

val kotlinVersion by extra ("1.3.61")

println("Version "+kotlinVersion)

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version kotlinVersion

The variable kotlinVersion is correctly printed.变量kotlinVersion已正确打印。 Nevertheless it is not recognized in the plugins block and the following error is risen:尽管如此,它在plugins块中无法识别,并且出现以下错误:

e: /home/achadde/sources/kotlin/minichain/build.gradle.kts:6:27: Unresolved reference: kotlinVersion

How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Short answer:简短的回答:

There is currenlty no way of accessing anything of the outer scope from inside the lambda passed to plugins .当前无法从传递给plugins的 lambda 内部访问外部作用域的任何内容。

Long answer:长答案:

In case you use IntelliJ it will show you a bit more information:如果您使用 IntelliJ,它会向您显示更多信息:

'val kotlinVersion: String' can't be called in this context by implicit receiver. 'val kotlinVersion: String' 不能在此上下文中被隐式接收器调用。 Use the explicit one if necessary.如有必要,请使用显式的。

The outer scope ( this@Build_gradle ) where you define kotlinVersion is not avaiable in the this@plugins scope so you have to define kotlinVersion inside the plugins lambda.您定义kotlinVersion的外部作用域 ( this@Build_gradle ) 在this@plugins作用域中不可用,因此您必须在 plugins lambda 中定义kotlinVersion

Since the extra delegate isn't available there either you can't use it:由于extra委托在那里不可用,您也不能使用它:

plugins {
    val kotlinVersion = "1.3.61"
    // ...

Unfortunately using a label does not work:不幸的是,使用标签不起作用:

val kotlinVersion by extra ("1.3.61")

plugins {
    // ... Unresolved reference: kotlinVersion 
    kotlin("jvm") version this@Build_gradle.kotlinVersion

For whatever reason, the plugins block can't read the outer scope, so what I did was added the following entry to my settings.gradle.kts instead:无论出于何种原因, plugins块无法读取外部作用域,所以我所做的是将以下条目添加到我的settings.gradle.kts

pluginManagement.resolutionStrategy.eachPlugin {
    if (requested.id.id.startsWith("org.jetbrains.kotlin.")) {

With my build.gradle.kts now as follows:现在我的build.gradle.kts如下:

plugins {


Note how the version can now be omitted.请注意现在如何省略版本。 The following print statement will print out the version we specified in our settings.gradle.kts , if we ever want to access our Kotlin version further down in our build script.如果我们想在构建脚本中进一步访问 Kotlin 版本,以下打印语句将打印出我们在settings.gradle.kts指定的版本。

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