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[英]How can i search for an specified result[key + value] in a json with javascript?

I am developing a discord bot, which works with the shoppy api, right now.我正在开发一个不和谐的机器人,它现在可以与 shoppy api 一起使用。 My target is to filter the respone of the shoppy api and get a value and key.我的目标是过滤shoppy api的响应并获得一个值和键。 All i have done is parsing the request result into an json object.我所做的就是将请求结果解析为一个 json 对象。 This is my code - i replaces sensitive data这是我的代码 - 我替换敏感数据

request("https://shoppy.gg/api/v1/orders/"+args[0], options ,function(error, response, body) {
      if (*1) {
        console.log("Result: " + body);
        var info = JSON.parse(body);

        const embed = new RichEmbed()
        .setDescription("Valid order ID. You have been given customer role!")


        const embed = new RichEmbed()
        .setDescription("Please enter a valid ID!")


So i want that *1 checks if the result is {"status":false,"message":"Requested resource not found"}.所以我希望 *1 检查结果是否为 {"status":false,"message":"Requested resource not found"}。 How can i do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

我不明白你的问题,但如果你需要对象的“键”和“值”,你可以使用 Object.entries(objectName) 如果你需要找到对象的“值”并且你知道对象的名称,你可以使用: objectName.key 或 objectName[“key”]

Just use a simple if statement to check if the property and value are in the object or not只需使用一个简单的 if 语句来检查属性和值是否在对象中

 var obj={as:534,dsad:54,htyhty:65,delivered:1} obj.delivered==1?console.log(true):console.log(false)

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