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arc 显示射击游戏中剩余的重新加载时间

[英]arc to show reload time left in a shooter game

quick question about a game engine I am writing in Javascript in Khan Academy: i have on arc that represents the amount of reload time left.关于我在可汗学院用 Javascript 编写的游戏引擎的快速问题:我在弧上表示剩余的重新加载时间。 (in processing js, drawing an arc works like this: arc(x,y,width,height,start,stop); ) (在处理 js 时,绘制圆弧的工作方式如下: arc(x,y,width,height,start,stop);

I already have the value of the time left in seconds stored in a variable, so how can I accuratly have the arc wedge = time currently reloading divided by total reload time?我已经将剩余时间的值以秒为单位存储在变量中,那么我如何准确地获得弧楔 = 当前重新加载的时间除以总重新加载时间?

When the arc is a circle, reload is complete.当圆弧为圆时,重新加载完成。 When the arc is nothing, it just started reloading.当弧线什么都没有时,它才开始重新加载。

Also, the reload arc wedge stroke starts on the center top, and moves clockwise around the outside.此外,重新加载弧楔笔划从中心顶部开始,并围绕外侧顺时针移动。



this redundant code works when fps(frames per second equals 60) i already have a variable called fps that equals frames per second, so if any help is given, use that in example.这个冗余代码在 fps(每秒帧数等于 60)时有效我已经有一个名为 fps 的变量等于每秒帧数,所以如果有任何帮助,请在示例中使用它。


Edit: would this be accurate - from what i can see from testing, it is mostly accurate:编辑:这是否准确 - 从我从测试中看到的情况来看,它主要是准确的:

    var time = round(w.reloadCounter/fps*10)/10;//seconds currently spent reloading(rounded to the nearest 10th)

    var t = round((w.reloadTime-time)*10)/10;//time left to finish reloading

    var timeLeftArc = map(t,0,w.reloadTime,270,-90);


We know that 360 degree make up a full circle - which equals to a fully reloaded weapon in your case.我们知道 360 度构成了一个完整的圆 - 在您的情况下,这相当于完​​全重新加载武器。 To get the proper arc for in-between values we need to figure out how many percent of the reloading phase is processed.为了获得中间值的正确弧度,我们需要计算重新加载阶段的处理百分比。

This can simply be done by dividing the time passed by the total time required - so just like you already did:这可以简单地通过将经过的时间除以所需的总时间来完成 - 就像您已经做过的那样:

w.reloadCounter / w.reloadTime

This will give a float between 0 and 1. If we then multiply this number by 360 we have the in-between angles for the arc.这将给出一个介于 0 和 1 之间的浮点数。如果我们将这个数字乘以 360,我们就得到了弧的中间角度。

arc(300, 300 - player.size - player.size / 2, 40, 40, -90, w.reloadCounter / w.reloadTime * 360 - 90);

As a simple example: Say the time required is 1000ms and 500ms have elapsed:举一个简单的例子:假设所需的时间是 1000 毫秒,并且已经过去了 500 毫秒:

500 / 1000 * 360 = 0.5 * 360 = 180 500 / 1000 * 360 = 0.5 * 360 = 180

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