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有没有办法将公司信息添加到 Alexa 服务并在没有调用名称的情况下使用它?

[英]Is there any way to add company info to Alexa service and use it without invocation name?

do you know maybe how to add info about our company to Alexa voice service?您知道如何将有关我们公司的信息添加到 Alexa 语音服务吗? Cause now I have a skill with lambda and so on, and to ask about company I have to install the skill on Alexa device, then start the skill and the ask what I want...因为现在我有 lambda 等技能,要询问公司我必须在 Alexa 设备上安装技能,然后启动技能并询问我想要什么......

But when I ask "Alexa, what is a dog".但是当我问“Alexa,什么是狗”时。 I've got an answer which was explained what is it.我有一个答案,解释了它是什么。 So how to do the same skill for name of company like "Alexa what is a company_name?", and she will explain what I will give her (probably in lambda).那么如何为公司名称做同样的技能,比如“Alexa 什么是公司名称?”,她会解释我会给她什么(可能是 lambda)。

Please give me some advice about how to search it because now I feel like I would search the whole inte.net and don't know what else to enter to find the answer...请给我一些关于如何搜索它的建议,因为现在我觉得我会搜索整个 inte.net 并且不知道还要输入什么才能找到答案......

Probably the only way to share an answer without installing a custom skill is by means of Alexa Answers ( https://alexaanswers.amazon.com/about ), but you can't still insert the question there.在不安装自定义技能的情况下共享答案的唯一方法可能是通过 Alexa Answers ( https://alexaanswers.amazon.com/about ),但你仍然不能在那里插入问题。


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