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如何覆盖 JQuery (Datatable RowGroup) 库函数?

[英]How do I override a JQuery (Datatable RowGroup) library function?

I'm rather new to Javascript, and the scoping syntax definitely confuses me when looking at open source libraries especially when it has a lot of advanced concepts like closure, anonymous functions, etc. The Jquery Datatables RowGroup is aa bit buggy with Responsiveness, so I took the bold attempt of writing my own attempt at a solution.我是相当新的JavaScript和作用域语法肯定让我困惑的开源库看时特别是当它有很多的封样,匿名函数等先进理念jQuery的数据表RowGroup是AA位与响应速度,所以我大胆尝试编写自己的解决方案尝试。

Below is the relevant snippet from the RowGroup library , source code from https://cdn.datatables.net/rowgroup/1.1.1/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js :下面是来自RowGroup 库的相关片段,源代码来自https://cdn.datatables.net/rowgroup/1.1.1/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js

/** <Not sure what is going on here!> */
(function (factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD
        define(['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ($) {
            return factory($, window, document);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // CommonJS
        module.exports = function (root, $) {
            if (!root) {
                root = window;

            if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) {
                $ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$;

            return factory($, root, root.document);
    } else {
        // Browser
        factory(jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
    /** </Not sure what is going on here!> */
    'use strict';
    var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;

    var RowGroup = function (dt, opts) {
    $.extend(RowGroup.prototype, {
        _constructor: function () {
            dt.on('responsive-resize.dt', function () {

        /** I would like to override this function, externally */
        _adjustColspan: function () {
            @ @override

Although it is open source , instead of modifying the library directly, I'd like to override the function _adjustColspan from a separate Javascript file (which will be included after this library).尽管它是开源的,但我不想直接修改库,而是想从单独的 Javascript 文件(将包含在此库之后)覆盖函数_adjustColspan This will allow the library still be update-able without hassle, and any custom changes can be easily tracked.这将使库仍然可以轻松更新,并且可以轻松跟踪任何自定义更改。

So first off, is what I'm trying to accomplish possible?所以首先,我想要完成的事情可能吗? If it is possible, how would I go about overriding this function in an external .js file?如果可能,我将如何在外部 .js 文件中覆盖此函数?

Edit: It seems what I'm trying to do is coined " Monkey patching "编辑:看来我想做的是创造“猴子补丁

Looks like the RowGroup object comes from an extension over on https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js , which we can read through to see if there's some easy place we can grab a reference to it... and there is.看起来RowGroup对象来自https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js上的一个扩展,我们可以通读它,看看是否有一些我们可以轻松抓住的地方对它的引用......有。

https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js#L418 shows that its getting bound to $.fn.dataTable.RowGroup , which means that we can grab it from there in any context that has jQuery available. https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js#L418显示它被绑定到$.fn.dataTable.RowGroup ,这意味着我们可以从那里以任何方式获取它具有 jQuery 可用的上下文。

const RowGroup = $.fn.DataTable.RowGroup;

RowGroup.prototype._adjustColspan = function() {
  // do your own things here

(With the original code over on https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js#L180-L184 ) (原始代码在https://github.com/DataTables/RowGroup/blob/master/js/dataTables.rowGroup.js#L180-L184 上

You can test this in your dev tools over on https://datatables.net/extensions/rowgroup/examples/styling/jqueryui.html , for instance.例如,您可以在https://datatables.net/extensions/rowgroup/examples/styling/jqueryui.html上的开发工具中对此进行测试。 Typing $.fn.DataTable.RowGroup.prototype there gives us:在那里输入$.fn.DataTable.RowGroup.prototype给我们:

  _adjustColspan: function _adjustColspan()​
  _colspan: function _colspan()​
  _constructor: function _constructor()​
  _draw: function _draw()​
  _group: function _group(b, g)​
  _groupDisplay: function _groupDisplay(b, a)​
  _rowWrap: function _rowWrap(b, g, c)​
  constructor: function h(b, g)​
  dataSrc: function dataSrc(b)​
  disable: function disable()​
  enable: function enable(b)​
  <prototype>: Object { … }

And we can change that prototype to be whatever we want.我们可以将原型更改为我们想要的任何东西。

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