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如何将 WordPress 内容从 Dev 部署到 Staging 到生产环境?

[英]How to deploy WordPress content from Dev to Staging to Production environments?

We inherited a WordPress website and set up Dev, Staging and Production environments.我们继承了一个 WordPress 网站,并设置了 Dev、Staging 和 Production 环境。 Deploying code changes to each environment (eg going from Dev to Staging) has been simple to do by putting the code in Git.通过将代码放在 Git 中,可以很容易地将代码更改部署到每个环境(例如从 Dev 到 Staging)。

However, we're not sure how to do the same with WordPress content that lives in the database and files in the wp-content/uploads directory.但是,我们不确定如何对数据库中的 WordPress 内容和 wp-content/uploads 目录中的文件执行相同的操作。

We'd like to use our Dev site as the source of truth, prepare content changes in there, and then deploy those content changes to Staging and Production, just like we would do with code.我们希望使用我们的 Dev 站点作为事实来源,在那里准备内容更改,然后将这些内容更改部署到 Staging 和 Production,就像我们处理代码一样。

Some of the situations we have to handle:我们必须处理的一些情况:

  • Only deploying content (and not users) from one environment to another仅将内容(而非用户)从一个环境部署到另一个环境
  • Being able to deploy changes live outside the wp_posts table.能够在wp_posts表之外实时部署更改。 For example, if we change menus in Appearance > Menus, that's stored elsewhere in the WordPress DB.例如,如果我们在外观 > 菜单中更改菜单,它会存储在 WordPress 数据库中的其他位置。
  • Making sure that any hard-coded absolute URLs (eg in images, links, widgets, etc) are not deployed with hard-coded domains (eg dev.mydomain.com)确保任何硬编码的绝对 URL(例如在图像、链接、小部件等中)未与硬编码域(例如 dev.mydomain.com)一起部署

Is there a standardized way to handle a content deployment pipeline in WordPress from Dev to Staging to Production?是否有一种标准化的方法来处理 WordPress 中从开发到登台再到生产的内容部署管道?

We're looking at plugins, but none of them seem to achieve this to a full extent.我们正在研究插件,但似乎没有一个能完全实现这一点。


You're looking for an ETL (Extract - Transform - Load) script most likely.您最有可能正在寻找 ETL(提取 - 转换 - 加载)脚本。 It would pull the tables you want.它会拉出你想要的桌子。 Extract -提炼 -

  • Wp_posts wp_posts
  • wp_postmeta wp_postmeta
  • wp_terms wp_terms
  • wp_termmeta wp_termmeta
  • wp_term_taxonomy wp_term_taxonomy
  • wp_term_relationships wp_term_relationships
  • any plugin tables not in the wp core.不在 wp 核心中的任何插件表。

Or you could probably take all tables excluding:或者您可以将所有表格排除在外:

  • wp_users wp_users
  • wp_usermeta wp_usermeta
  • wp_options wp_options

Then run a search and replace for absolute urls.然后运行搜索并替换绝对网址。

Finally load the tables into the next environment.最后将表加载到下一个环境中。

You can write it manually or use a program like Talend Open Studio for Big Data您可以手动编写或使用Talend Open Studio for Big Data 之类的程序

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