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如何在 R Markdown 的表格正文中显示希腊字母?

[英]How to display greek letters in the body of a table in R Markdown?

I wish to display greek letter alpha in the table generated by the following code in R Markdown.我希望在 R Markdown 中以下代码生成的表格中显示希腊字母 alpha。 How can I do it?我该怎么做? Thanks!谢谢!

rows = 1:100

cols = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001)


for (a in rows){

  for (b in cols){

    q = qt(1-b, a)

    Q = append(Q,q)



DF = data.frame(matrix(round(Q,3), ncol=8, byrow=TRUE))
DF= rbind(as.character(cols), DF)
DF = cbind(c("df/alpha",as.character(rows)), DF)

DF = unname(DF)

Use $ notation in strings to insert LaTeX symbols, including Greek letters.在字符串中使用$表示法来插入 LaTeX 符号,包括希腊字母。 Like this:像这样:

DF = cbind(c("$\\alpha$",as.character(rows)), DF)

If you knit kable(DF) , you'll see alpha appear in the first column header.如果您编织kable(DF) ,您会看到 alpha 出现在第一列标题中。 Note that the symbol will not appear in the R console - you have to knit to see it.请注意,该符号不会出现在 R 控制台中 - 您必须编织才能看到它。

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