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使用拖放 Angular 8 更改表列顺序

[英]Change table columns order using drag drop Angular 8

I am creating an application with: Angular CLI: 8.3.23 Node: 10.15.0 typescript: 3.5.3 and I need to make the table columns re-order able using drag drop.我正在创建一个应用程序: Angular CLI: 8.3.23 Node: 10.15.0 typescript: 3.5.3 ,我需要使用拖放使表列重新排序。 Something like this https://sindu12jun.github.io/table-dragger but I have tried multiple things like it but nothing is working.像这样的东西https://sindu12jun.github.io/table-dragger但我已经尝试了多种类似的东西,但没有任何效果。 I tried to use some jquery plugins as well but that doesn't work either.我也尝试使用一些 jquery 插件,但这也不起作用。 I used this https://akottr.github.io/dragtable/ jQuery plugin but no luck.我使用了这个https://akottr.github.io/dragtable/ jQuery 插件但没有运气。 This can be done using <mat-table> but due to some other requirements I don't want to use material table.这可以使用<mat-table>但由于其他一些要求,我不想使用材料表。

If anyone have any idea, please let me know.如果有人有任何想法,请告诉我。 Thanks谢谢

我终于做到了,请查看链接: Angular material table column dragger

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