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Google Sheets 公式:在 arrayformula 中扩展单个项目

[英]Google Sheets formula: extend single item in arrayformula

For simplicity, let's say I have a raw tab with several values in several columns:为简单起见,假设我有一个原始选项卡,其中几列中有多个值:

Raw tab原始标签

A    B        C      D
Code Product  Price  Stock
01   Pen      1      yes
02   Pencil   0.8    no
03   Rubber   0.5    no
04   Paper    0.3    yes

Now, in another tab I want to filter data from the raw tab, but I want to be able to insert some fixed value to it.现在,在另一个选项卡中,我想从原始选项卡中过滤数据,但我希望能够向其中插入一些固定值。 Look:看:


This works but I want to add a forth column with a fixed value, as if it was like below这有效,但我想添加具有固定值的第四列,就像下面一样

=filter({Raw!A:A,Raw!B:B,Raw!C:C, "OK"},Raw!D:D="yes") 

But this formula above fails with Function但是上面的这个公式失败了 Function

ARRAY_ROW parameter 4 has mismatched row size. ARRAY_ROW 参数 4 的行大小不匹配。 Expected: 601. Actual: 1.预期:601。实际:1。

I understand that "OK" is just a single item and is not expanded for all the matches from filter, but how to make it so?我知道“OK”只是一个项目,并没有针对过滤器中的所有匹配项进行扩展,但是如何做到这一点?

or try:或尝试:

=FILTER({RAW!A:C, RAW!X:X&"OK"}, RAW!D:D="yes")

where column X is an empty column其中 X 列是空列



=filter({Raw!A:A,Raw!B:B,Raw!C:C, if(Row(Raw!A:A),"OK")},Raw!D:D="yes")



=QUERY(RAW!A:D, "select A,B,C,'OK' where D = 'yes' label 'OK'''", 0)


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