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二进制到 BCD 的转换

[英]Binary to BCD conversion

I was asked to convert 8 bits binary to 3 digits of BCD.我被要求将 8 位二进制转换为 3 位 BCD。

I saw online people use DIV but I do not understand that way at all, why would I divide by #0AH ?我看到网上有人使用DIV但我完全不明白,为什么我要除以#0AH

If I was asked to subtract 16 bits by 16 bits using 2 pairs of 8 bit registers, do I need to transfer it to 2's comp using CPL and +1 or just use the SUBB command ?如果我被要求使用 2 对 8 位寄存器将 16 位减去 16 位,我是否需要使用CPL+1将其传输到 2 的 comp 或仅使用SUBB命令?

R4-7 are the registers R4-7是寄存器

        MOV A, R5
        SUBB A, R7
        JNC L1
        DEC R4
L1:     MOV 20H,A
        CLR C
        MOV A, R4
        SUBB A, R6
        MOV 21H,A

Question 1: Why do I need to DIV by #0AH to get the BCD of a binary value?问题 1:为什么我需要通过 #0AH 进行DIV才能获得二进制值的 BCD?

More often than not each integer value in a computer (and a microcontroller is a computer) is stored as binary, these days.如今,计算机(微控制器就是计算机)中的每个整数值通常都以二进制形式存储。 So there is nothing special to do here.所以这里没有什么特别的。 If you want the BCD (binary coded decimal), you will need the hundreds, the tens, and the ones separated in 4 bits each.如果您想要 BCD(二进制编码的十进制),您将需要以 4 位分隔的百位、十位和个位。 For this you will need to divide by 10 (and save the remainder), and this can be coded as #0AH .为此,您需要除以10 (并保存余数),这可以编码为#0AH However, I would not write this, but write #10 that shows much clearer what is ment.但是,我不会写这个,而是写#10来更清楚地显示什么是精神。

Let's assume that the number to convert is in the accumulator A , and you want the result in register pair R0 (MSByte) and R1 (LSByte).假设要转换的数字在累加器A ,并且您希望结果在寄存器对 R0 (MSByte) 和 R1 (LSByte) 中。 You need more than one register, because you get 3 digits that will be 12 bits wide in total.您需要不止一个寄存器,因为您会得到 3 位总共 12 位宽的数字。

DIV will divide A by B , and give the integer quotient in A and the remainder in B . DIVA除以B ,并给出A的整数商和B的余数。

    MOV   B,#10
    DIV   AB      ; floor(number / 10) in A, 1s in B
    MOV   R1,B    ; 1s are now in R1 (bits 3 to 0)
    MOV   B,#10
    DIV   AB      ; floor(number / 100) in A, 10s in B
    MOV   R0,A    ; 100s are now in R0 (bits 3 to 0)
    MOV   A,B     ; 10s are now in ACC (bits 3 to 0)
    SWAP  A       ; 10s are now in bits 7 to 4 in ACC
    ORL   A,R1
    MOV   R1,A    ; 10s and 1s are now in R1

Question 2: Do I need to transfer [answerer: negate] the second operand by CPL and +1 or can I just use SUBB ?问题 2:我是否需要通过CPL和 +1 传输[answerer: negate]第二个操作数,或者我可以只使用SUBB吗?

No, you just use SUBB .不,您只需使用SUBB Before the first SUBB you will clear the carry flag.在第一个SUBB之前,您将清除进位标志。

Let's assume that the first operand (to subtract from, the "minuend") is in register pair R0 (MSByte) and R1 (LSByte), and the second operand (to subtract, the "subtrahend") is in register pair R2 (MSByte) and R3 (LSByte).假设第一个操作数(减去“被减数”)在寄存器对 R0(MSByte)和 R1(LSByte)中,第二个操作数(减去“被减数”)在寄存器对 R2(MSByte)中) 和 R3 (LSByte)。 The result (the "difference") should go in register pair R4 (MSByte) and R5 (LSByte).结果(“差异”)应进入寄存器对 R4(MSByte)和 R5(LSByte)。

    CLR   C
    MOV   A,R1
    SUBB  A,R3
    MOV   R5,A
    MOV   A,R0
    SUBB  A,R2    ; borrow bit from LSByte subtraction is taken into account
    MOV   R4,A

Final note: Please use a simulator to try the code, if you like to see details not described here.最后说明:如果您想查看此处未描述的详细信息,请使用模拟器来尝试代码。

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