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[英]Filtering rows based on partial matching between a data frame and a vector

I have a data frame and want to filter it based on the partial match of names in the first column with the names in the vector.我有一个数据框,想根据第一列中的名称与向量中的名称的部分匹配来过滤它。

nam <- c('mmu_mir-1-3p','mmu_mir-1-5p','mmu-mir-3-5p','mir-4','mmu-mir-6-3p') #factor
aa <- c('12854','36','5489','54485','2563') #numeric
df <- data.frame(nam,aa)

vector <- c('mir-1','mir-3','mir-6')

I need to have rows in the new data frame where names in df$nam are partially matching with the names in vector .我需要在新数据框中有行,其中df$nam中的名称与vector的名称部分匹配。 So new_df should look like this.所以new_df应该是这样的。

new_nam <- c('mmu_mir-1-3p','mmu_mir-1-5p','mmu-mir-3-5p','mmu-mir-6-3p')  #factor
new_aa <- c('12854','36','5489','2563')  #numeric
new_df <- data.frame(new_nam,new_aa)

We can paste the elements of 'vector' into a single string collapsed by |我们可以将 'vector' 的元素paste到由|折叠的单个字符串中| and usse that in grepl or str_detect to filter the rows并在greplstr_detectfilter

df %>% 
   filter(str_detect(nam, str_c(vector, collapse="|")))
#           nam    aa
#1 mmu_mir-1-3p 12854
#2 mmu_mir-1-5p    36
#3 mmu-mir-3-5p  5489
#4 mmu-mir-6-3p  2563

In base R , this can be done with subset/greplbase R ,这可以通过subset/grepl来完成

subset(df, grepl(paste(vector, collapse= "|"), nam))

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