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[英]How to load parameters with different values based on user role in Symfony?

I have a multitude of parameters in parameters.yml file, each parameter should have a different value based on logged in user's role.我在parameters.yml文件中有多个参数,每个参数都应根据登录用户的角色具有不同的值。

Is there is way to systematically decide and load correct value based on logged in user's role?有没有办法根据登录用户的角色系统地决定和加载正确的值?



Ideally, I don't want to add conditions in my code for manager or user before I use address_code .理想情况下,在使用address_code之前,我不想在我的代码中为manageruser添加条件。

Since parameters values are used during the container compilation, their value cannot be changed at runtime .由于在容器编译期间使用参数值,因此它们的值不能在运行时更改

And since the user role can only be known during a request, what you want to do simply cannot be done.而且由于用户角色只能在请求期间知道,因此您想要做的事情根本无法完成。

But you are most likely you are approaching the problem from the wrong end.但是您很可能是从错误的一端解决问题的。

Just encapsulate the logic in a service of some kind.只需将逻辑封装在某种服务中即可。 A simplistic example:一个简单的例子:

The service:服务:

namespace App\Service;

class FooService

    private array $configuration;

    public function __construct(array $configuration)
        $this->configuration = $configuration;

    public function getAddressCodeFor(string $role): string
        return $this->configuration[$role] ?? '';

Your parameters:您的参数:

# services.yaml
        ROLE_USER: 'foo'
        ROLE_ADMIN: 'bar'

Configuration to make sure the service know about your parameters:配置以确保服务了解您的参数:


    arguments: ['%address_code%']    

Then it's only a matter of injecting FooService wherever you need these values, and call getAddressCodeFor($role) where you need it:然后只需在需要这些值的地方注入FooService ,并在需要的地方调用getAddressCodeFor($role)

class FakeController extends AbstractController

    private FooService $paramService;

    public function __construct(FooService $service)
        $this->paramService = $service;

    public function someAction(): Response
        $address_code = $this->paramService->getAddressCodeFor('ROLE_ADMIN');

        return $this->json(['address_code' => $address_code]);


This is just an example, but you can adjust it to follow your needs.这只是一个示例,但您可以对其进行调整以满足您的需要。

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