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如何配置工作流运行时 (Informatica)?

[英]How to configure workflow runtime (Informatica)?

我希望工作流运行 20 分钟......如果运行过程在 20 分钟内没有完成,工作流应该立即结束......但是,我只能找到计时器,但它用于启动过程在不是我正在寻找的指定时间之后......有谁知道如何指定工作流程的持续时间?

[updated to cover complete scenario and cover issues raised by Koushik Sinharoy in comments] [更新以涵盖完整场景并涵盖 Koushik Sinharoy 在评论中提出的问题]

You can achieve it using the timer:您可以使用计时器实现它:

  1. Link one to the Start task and set it to run for 20 minutes in parallel with your session.将其中一个链接到Start任务并将其设置为与您的会话并行运行 20 分钟。
  2. Have a Decision task with Treat the input links as set to OR .有一个Treat the input links as设置为ORDecision task This will trigger the decision whenever any of the preceeding task ends, so either your session will get completed or timer runs out (whatever happens first).这将在任何前面的任务结束时触发决定,因此您的会话将完成或计时器用完(无论先发生什么)。
  3. Set the Decision condition to $s_your_session.Status = SUCCEEDED .Decision条件设置为$s_your_session.Status = SUCCEEDED
  4. Link the Decision task to Control Task .Decision task链接到Control Task
  5. Set Control task to Fail parent .Control task设置为Fail parent
  6. Add a condition $Decision.Condition = False to the link between Decision task and Control task .将条件$Decision.Condition = False添加到Decision taskControl task之间的链接。

This should be the result:结果应该是这样:

    \                     > Decision [OR] ---(False)---> Control Task [Fail parent]

Thanks Koushik Sinharoy for the remarks below!感谢 Koushik Sinharoy 的以下评论!

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