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嵌套组所有者 - LDAP 查询

[英]Nested Group Owner - LDAP Query

let's assume I have the user让我们假设我有用户


and I want to receive all groups where the user is registered as the owner.我想接收用户注册为所有者的所有组。 I am currently using the following filter:我目前使用以下过滤器:


However, it can happen that security groups are also entered as owners.但是,安全组也可能作为所有者输入。 How can I adjust the filter so that I can still find the right groups, even if the user is indirectly entered as the owner via a security group?如何调整过滤器,以便我仍然可以找到正确的组,即使用户是通过安全组间接输入为所有者的? Can this possibly be done with the matching rule OID 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 (LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN) ?这可以通过匹配规则 OID 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941 (LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN) 来完成吗?

thanks in advance!提前致谢!

As ManagedBy is a dn Syntax and has a LinkID of 72, an even value implying that it is a forward link , then you should be able to use something similar to: (or in combination with others)由于ManagedBy是一个 dn 语法并且具有 72 的 LinkID,一个偶数值暗示它是一个前向链接,那么您应该能够使用类似于:(或与其他人组合)


I have not tried this filter and there are limitations as to the depth of links that will be traversed in larger implementations.我还没有尝试过这个过滤器,并且在更大的实现中将遍历的链接深度有限制。

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