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ReactJs 项目

[英]ReactJs project

After I initialized the project with the command: "npx create-react-app my-app", then I "cd into my-app" and ran the "npm start" command, what is the screen about cmd?在我用命令“npx create-react-app my-app”初始化项目后,然后我“cd into my-app”并运行“npm start”命令,关于cmd的屏幕是什么? So guys, can you give me instructions on how to handle this error, I thank you very much!所以伙计们,你能告诉我如何处理这个错误,我非常感谢你! enter image description here在此处输入图片说明

ctrl+alt+supr 打开管理员工具 Find and NodeJS instance kill all 然后进入你项目所在的文件夹 进去之后运行npm install然后npm start

Execute "npm install" before "npm start".在“npm start”之前执行“npm install”。 "npm install" creates node modules folder without which you cannot run the application “npm install”创建节点模块文件夹,没有它你就不能运行应用程序

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