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如何从 C 中的函数返回结构数组?

[英]How do you return an array of structs from a function in C?

I'm trying to create an array of structs and fread file data in to the array inside a helper function.我试图创建结构和数组fread到一个辅助函数内部数组文件数据。 I keep getting incompatible pointer type errors when I compile the program.编译程序时,我不断收到incompatible pointer type错误。 This is my current code:这是我当前的代码:

 struct fentry *read_fentries(FILE *fp){
    fentry *files[MAXFILES];

    if ((fread(files, sizeof(fentry), MAXFILES, fp)) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not read file entries\n");
    return files;


My main question is how can I create an array of structs of a pre-defined size (MAXFILES) and return it from a function so that I can access the struct array inside my main .我的主要问题是如何创建一个预定义大小 (MAXFILES) 的结构数组并从函数中返回它,以便我可以访问main的结构数组。 Would I have to allocate memory using malloc ?我是否必须使用malloc分配内存?

you can also return be the value if you wrap the array.如果您包装数组,您也可以返回值。

#define MAXFILES 50

struct _fentry
    FILE *fp;
    int somedata[3];
    double anotherdata[10];
    /* ... */

struct fentry
    struct _fentry entries[MAXFILES];

struct fentry foo()
    struct fentry entries;

    /* .... */

    return entries;

You have to allocate space for it with malloc for example, because as you see from the error you returning a pointer to a local address, which is a problem since once you exit this function the files array will be freed/non existent.例如,您必须使用malloc为其分配空间,因为正如您从错误中看到的,您返回一个指向本地地址的指针,这是一个问题,因为一旦退出此函数, files数组将被释放/不存在。 So you returning pointer will point to an invalid memory location.所以你返回的指针将指向一个无效的内存位置。

So do something like this:所以做这样的事情:

struct fentry *files = malloc(MAXFILES * sizeof(fentry);

Also in this case do not forget to free the allocated memory with free(*ptr_to_array) when does not needed anymore.同样在这种情况下,不要忘记在不再需要时使用free(*ptr_to_array)释放分配的内存。

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