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如何测试 LibreOffice Writer 的可访问 PDF 输出?

[英]How can I test LibreOffice Writer's accessible PDF output?

LibreOffice Writer can export to Tagged PDF. LibreOffice Writer 可以导出为带标签的 PDF。 How should I test the accessibility of the resulting document?我应该如何测试结果文档的可访问性? Maybe something like inspecting the tags that have been added to check they reflect the intended document structure, or perhaps simulating the experience of a user consuming the document through accessibility software?也许是检查添加的标签以检查它们是否反映了预期的文档结构,或者可能模拟用户通过辅助功能软件消费文档的体验?

I'm aware that Adobe Acrobat Pro has relevant features, but I'm looking for a solution using Free/Libre/Opensource software.我知道 Adob​​e Acrobat Pro 具有相关功能,但我正在寻找使用 Free/Libre/Opensource 软件的解决方案。

The main tools that I use for checking the accessibility of PDF documents are Adobe Acrobat DC Pro and PAC.我用来检查 PDF 文档可访问性的主要工具是 Adob​​e Acrobat DC Pro 和 PAC。 PAC 2021 , the successor of PAC 3, was released by the PDF/UA Foundation just a few days ago. PAC 2021是 PAC 3 的继任者,几天前由 PDF/UA 基金会发布。 Unfortunately, this software is closed source and requires Windows (version 8.1 or higher) and .NET 4.8 or higher.不幸的是,该软件是封闭源代码,需要 Windows(8.1 或更高版本)和 .NET 4.8 或更高版本。

Accessibility evaluation with PAC 2021 checks compliance to PDF/UA ( ISO 14289 ) and therefore goes beyond the evaluation in Adobe Acrobat DC Pro. PAC 2021 的辅助功能评估检查是否符合 PDF/UA ( ISO 14289 ),因此超出了 Adob​​e Acrobat DC Pro 中的评估。 However, no automated tool can verify all accessibility issues.但是,没有任何自动化工具可以验证所有可访问性问题。 For example, tools can check whether an image as a text alternative but it cannot reliably check whether the text alternative is appropriate.例如,工具可以检查图像是否可以作为替代文本,但不能可靠地检查替代文本是否合适。

Even though I am mainly a Linux user, I have to admit that I know of no open-source tools that even come close to what Adobe Acrobat and PAC 2021 provide.尽管我主要是 Linux 用户,但我不得不承认,我知道没有任何开源工具可以与 Adob​​e Acrobat 和 PAC 2021 提供的工具相媲美。 (Se I need to use a Windows machine for much of my accessibility-related work.) It might be possible to build an accessibility evaluation tool on top of Apache PDFBox, as suggested in this related question but I am not aware of someone doing that and making such a tool available. (Se 我需要使用 Windows 机器来完成大部分与可访问性相关的工作。)可能可以在 Apache PDFBox 之上构建一个可访问性评估工具,如此相关问题中所述,但我不知道有人这样做并使这样的工具可用。

Just over a decade ago, Anand B Pillai presented PDF Accessibility with Python at PyCon India in Bangalore in September 2010. This was presented as an open-source project and the code is used in the Tingtun Checker .就在十多年前,Anand B Pillai 于 2010 年 9 月在班加罗尔的 PyCon India 上展示了 Python 的 PDF Accessibility 。这是一个开源项目,代码用于Tingtun Checker However, development was not finished and has not continued for many years;然而,发展并没有结束,也没有持续多年; when I asked the site owner where the code is available, I did not get a straight answer to my question.当我询问网站所有者代码在哪里可用时,我没有直接回答我的问题。

There's a free (as in beer) Windows-only tool called PAC which is ruthlessly good: https://support.axes4.com/hc/en-us/articles/201957988-PDF-Accessibility-Checker-PAC-有一个免费的(如啤酒中的)Windows 专用工具 PAC,它非常好: https : //support.axes4.com/hc/en-us/articles/201957988-PDF-Accessibility-Checker-PAC-

I am not aware of any Libre software that does this.我不知道有任何 Libre 软件可以做到这一点。

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