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[英]What's the underlying implimentation of integer division in python?

I am running python 3.7.3我正在运行 python 3.7.3

Regarding the integer division operator: "//" (double divide, double forward slash, double division operator? I'm not sure the exact name.)关于整数除法运算符:“//”(双除法、双正斜杠、双除法运算符?我不确定确切的名称。)

It does not seem to give consistent results, and many of the explanations I've found don't fully explain its results.它似乎没有给出一致的结果,而且我发现的许多解释并没有完全解释它的结果。

Here[ What is the reason for having '//' in Python?这里[ 在Python中有'//'的原因是什么? (and other places) it's said that the "//" operator gives the quotient without the remainder. (和其他地方)据说“//”运算符给出没有余数的商。 As if a // b is the same as floor(a / b) (or rounding up if a / b is negative).好像a // bfloor(a / b) (如果a / b为负,则向上舍入)。

However, sometimes it does not give that answer.然而,有时它并没有给出那个答案。 For example, 1 // 0.2 evaluates to 4. However 1 / 0.2 returns 5, and math.floor(1 / 2) also returns 5. It's giving a number one less than what integer division should.例如, 1 // 0.2计算结果为 4。但是1 / 0.2返回 5,并且math.floor(1 / 2)也返回 5。它给出的数字比整数除法应该小一。 The // operator returns a 5 if you divide 10 by 2, but 1 divided 0.2 does not work correctly.如果将 10 除以 2,则//运算符返回 5,但 1 除以 0.2 无法正常工作。

This problem comes up other times I use the // operator to divide floating point numbers.这个问题出现在我使用//运算符来划分浮点数的其他时候。 Like 5 // 0.2 or 100 // 0.2 .5 // 0.2100 // 0.2 I don't know if this is some quirk of floating point arithmetic, but these problems seem to go away if you type math.floor(5 / 0.2) (or any other set of numbers giving issues).我不知道这是否是浮点运算的一些怪癖,但是如果您输入math.floor(5 / 0.2) (或任何其他给出问题的数字集math.floor(5 / 0.2) ,这些问题似乎就会消失。 Except when you divide negative numbers, in which case you have to use math.ceil() instead of math.floor()除非你除以负数,在这种情况下你必须使用math.ceil()而不是math.floor()

My current solution is this:我目前的解决方案是这样的:

import math
def integerDivision(a,b):
    tmp = a / b 
    if tmp > 1:

What is the implementation of the // operator that makes it not give the right result in some floating point cases? //运算符的实现是什么使它在某些浮点情况下不能给出正确的结果? Is there a better way to get around this issue of the // operator, other than the above code?除了上面的代码之外,还有没有更好的方法来解决//运算符的这个问题?

This isn't about implementation.这与实施无关。 This is about the operator's semantics.这与操作符的语义有关。 Regardless of implementation, the // operator is required to give you the results you're seeing when applied to floats, and those results really are correct (for floats).无论实现如何, //运算符都需要为您提供应用于浮点数时看到的结果,并且这些结果确实是正确的(对于浮点数)。 If you don't want these results, floats are probably the wrong tool for what you're doing.如果你不想要这些结果,浮动可能是你正在做的事情的错误工具。

1 // 0.2 gives the floating-point number representing the floor of the exact value of the quotient of its arguments. 1 // 0.2给出表示其参数商的确切值的下限的浮点数。 However, the right-hand argument does not quite have the value you typed in. The right-hand argument's value is the closest value to 0.2 representable in 64-bit IEEE binary floating point, which is slightly higher than 0.2:但是,右侧参数并不完全具有您键入的值。右侧参数的值是 64 位 IEEE 二进制浮点中可表示的最接近 0.2 的值,该值略高于 0.2:

>>> import decimal
>>> decimal.Decimal(0.2)

The exact value of the quotient is thus slightly less than 5, so 1 // 0.2 gives you 4.0 .因此,商的确切值略小于 5,因此1 // 0.2为您提供4.0

1 / 0.2 gives you 5.0 because the exact value of the quotient isn't representable as a float. 1 / 0.2为您提供5.0因为商的确切值不能表示为浮点数。 The result needs to be rounded, and it rounds to 5.0 .结果需要四舍五入,并四舍五入为5.0 // does not perform this rounding; //不执行此舍入; it computes the floor of the exact value, not the floor of a rounded float.它计算精确值的下限,而不是圆形浮点数的下限。 (The result of the // may need to be rounded, but that's a different rounding.) //的结果可能需要四舍五入,但这是不同的四舍五入。)

With all that said, the implementation needs to be more complex than floor(x / y) , because that would give the wrong result.尽管如此,实现需要比floor(x / y)更复杂,因为这会产生错误的结果。 CPython bases its // implementation for floats on fmod . CPython 的//浮点数实现基于fmod You can see the implementation in Objects/floatobject.c in the CPython source repository.您可以在 CPython 源代码库中的Objects/floatobject.c中查看实现。

static PyObject *
float_divmod(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    double vx, wx;
    double div, mod, floordiv;
    if (wx == 0.0) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ZeroDivisionError, "float divmod()");
        return NULL;
    PyFPE_START_PROTECT("divmod", return 0)
    mod = fmod(vx, wx);
    /* fmod is typically exact, so vx-mod is *mathematically* an
       exact multiple of wx.  But this is fp arithmetic, and fp
       vx - mod is an approximation; the result is that div may
       not be an exact integral value after the division, although
       it will always be very close to one.
    div = (vx - mod) / wx;
    if (mod) {
        /* ensure the remainder has the same sign as the denominator */
        if ((wx < 0) != (mod < 0)) {
            mod += wx;
            div -= 1.0;
    else {
        /* the remainder is zero, and in the presence of signed zeroes
           fmod returns different results across platforms; ensure
           it has the same sign as the denominator. */
        mod = copysign(0.0, wx);
    /* snap quotient to nearest integral value */
    if (div) {
        floordiv = floor(div);
        if (div - floordiv > 0.5)
            floordiv += 1.0;
    else {
        /* div is zero - get the same sign as the true quotient */
        floordiv = copysign(0.0, vx / wx); /* zero w/ sign of vx/wx */
    return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", floordiv, mod);

static PyObject *
float_floor_div(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    PyObject *t, *r;

    t = float_divmod(v, w);
    if (t == NULL || t == Py_NotImplemented)
        return t;
    r = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(t, 0);
    return r;

Other argument types will use other implementations, depending on the types.其他参数类型将使用其他实现,具体取决于类型。

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