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[英]Python: How to extract multiple strings from pandas dataframe column

I have a dataset which has a specific column containing strings in the format of: Building = Building_A and Floor = Floor_4 Building = Building_D and Floor = Floor_2我有一个包含以下格式字符串的特定列的数据集:Building = Building_A and Floor = Floor_4 Building = Building_D and Floor = Floor_2

I would like to extract only the building and floor names, concatenated into a single string / new column.我只想提取建筑物和楼层名称,并连接成一个字符串/新列。 Eg Building_A/Floor_4 Building_D/Floor_2例如 Building_A/Floor_4 Building_D/Floor_2

I've spent about an hour looking through previous posts and was not able to find something to match what I am trying to do.我花了大约一个小时浏览以前的帖子,但找不到与我正在尝试做的事情相匹配的内容。 Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Assume we have dataframe df :假设我们有数据帧df

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'txt': ["Building = Building_A and Floor = Floor_4",\
                           "Building = Building_Z and Floor = Floor_9",\
                           "Building = Martello and Floor = Ground"]})

First define pattern to extract:首先定义要提取的模式:

pat = "(Floor_\d+)|(Building_\w{1})"

Alternatively if You look for all words after "= " :或者,如果您查找"= "之后的所有单词:

pat = r"(?<== )(\w+)"

Please note lookbehind (?<=) in pattern definition.请注意模式定义中的后视(?<=)

Then apply lambda function to column txt :然后将 lambda 函数应用于列txt

df['txt_extract'] = \
df[['txt']].apply(lambda r: "/".join(r.str.extractall(pat).stack()), axis=1)


0    Building_A/Floor_4
1    Building_Z/Floor_9
2    Martello/Ground

Instead of str.extract use str.extractall which looks for all occurences of pattern.代替str.extract使用str.extractall查找所有出现的模式。 Resulting searches are stacked and joined with "/" separator.结果搜索堆叠并使用"/"分隔符连接。 Please note that order of patterns found is preserved what may be important in Your case.请注意,找到的模式的顺序被保留,这对您的情况可能很重要。

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