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[英]How to give the result of a pipelined function as a default parameter?

I have created these 4 types :我创建了这 4 种类型:

record type myrecord1 is (...)
record type myrecord2 is (...)

table tableofmyrecord1 is table of myrecord1;
table tableofmyrecord2 is table of myrecord2;

and 2 functions :和2个功能:

function  a(k in tableofmyrecord2) return packageName.tableofmyrecord1 PIPELINED;
function  b return packageName.tableofmyrecord2  PIPELINED;

I can effectively give a default parameter ;我可以有效地给出一个默认参数; null, the table empty, a table that I have create, but I can give directly the result of a of pipelined function. null,表为空,我创建的表,但我可以直接给出流水线函数的结果。

function  a return packageName.tOfmyrecord(k in tableofmyrecord2 :=package.b)   PIPELINED

This does'nt work.这不起作用。

This solution does'nt work too.此解决方案也不起作用。

    defaultArgOFA :=package.b;
    function  a return packageName.tOfmyrecord(k in tableofmyrecord2 :=defaultArgOFA)  PIPELINED

same error同样的错误

PLS-00653: aggregate/table functions are not allowed PLS-00653: 不允许聚合/表函数

This error says that you cannot call pipelined functions using PLSQL, so you can't directly write v:=a() .此错误表示您无法使用 PLSQL 调用流水线函数,因此您无法直接编写v:=a() But you can use SQL.但是您可以使用 SQL。 Below is an example where pipelined b gets input from pipelined a and multiplies salaries.下面是其中流水线的示例b从流水线获取输入a和乘法薪水。


create or replace package pkg is
  type tr is record (id int, name varchar2(10), sal int);
  type tt is table of tr;
  function a return tt pipelined;
  function b(par in tt) return tt pipelined;
end pkg;


create or replace package body pkg is

function a return tt pipelined is
  v_tr tr;
  v_tr.id := 1;  v_tr.name := 'Mark';  v_tr.sal := 100;
  pipe row (v_tr);

  v_tr.id := 2;  v_tr.name := 'Pete';  v_tr.sal := 120;
  pipe row (v_tr);

function b(par in tt) return tt pipelined is
  v_tr tr;
  for i in 1..par.last loop
    v_tr := par(i);
    v_tr.sal := v_tr.sal * 10;
    pipe row (v_tr);
  end loop;

end pkg;

And this test worked for me:这个测试对我有用:

select * from table(pkg.b(pkg.a));


    ID NAME              SAL
------ ---------- ----------
     1 Mark             1000
     2 Pete             1200

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