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[英]how to put loading icon before the page loads

I have the following piece of code which is triggered by a button click.我有以下一段代码,它是由单击按钮触发的。

      echo "<div class='spinner-grow' role='status'>";
      echo "<span class='sr-only'>Loading...</span>";
      echo "</div>";

       shell_exec("perl myscript1.pl");
       shell_exec("perl myscript2.pl");

    echo "<div class='image'>";
    echo "<img src='figure.png' class='mx-auto d-block' style='width:800px; height:800px;'>";
    echo "</div>";

the perl scripts inside that block will generate a image which i will load into page, but those two scripts take around 10s.该块内的 perl 脚本将生成一个图像,我将加载到页面中,但这两个脚本需要大约 10 秒。 So I am trying to put a boostrap spinner and have given a fadeout of 9.5s in jquery.所以我试图放置一个 boostrap 微调器,并在 jquery 中给出了 9.5s 的淡出。

But the spinner and the image together load after 9.5s.但是旋转器和图像在 9.5 秒后一起加载。 The jquery code i am using is below.我正在使用的 jquery 代码如下。 Kindly help what needs to be done.请帮助需要做的事情。

$(function() {
  $(".spinner-grow").fadeOut(9500, function() {

Thanks, Karthic谢谢,卡西奇

  1. Add a div just after tag.在标签之后添加一个 div。

    <div class="pre-loader"></div> ` <div class="pre-loader"></div> `

    $(window).load(function() { $(".pre-loader").fadeOut(); //or your loading icon wrapped in the pre-loader class });

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