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[英]How to count each value in multiple rows and same column?

I have the problem to count the number of each tags.我有计算每个标签数量的问题。

For example:例如:

0  a,b,c,d
1  a,b
2  c,d
3  a,c

My Expected Results:我的预期结果:

tags   count
  a      3
  b      2
  c      3
  d      2

You can use STRING_SPLIT to achieve this您可以使用STRING_SPLIT来实现这一点

value, count(*) as countOfTags
(0,  'a,b,c,d')
,(1,  'a,b'    )
,(2,  'c,d'    )
,(3,  'a,c'    )
) as t(id, tags)
GROUP BY value;

The result set结果集

| value | countOfTags |
| a     |           3 |
| b     |           2 |
| c     |           3 |
| d     |           2 |

Welcome to StackOverFlow!欢迎使用 StackOverFlow!

Do you have an example of your code?你有你的代码的例子吗? Your tag says "SQL" so that's what I'll assume.您的标签上写着“SQL”,这就是我的假设。 I can't tell much from your question right now as you haven't given us enough info to help.我现在不能从你的问题中看出太多,因为你没有给我们足够的信息来帮助我们。 It would be nice for future questions to add a bit more detail as to what you've tried to do already.对于未来的问题,最好添加更多关于您已经尝试做的事情的细节。

Still, I found this post that's on counting occurrences of column values, so it could answer your question.不过,我发现这篇文章是关于计算列值的出现次数,因此它可以回答您的问题。 You can always edit your questions for clarity if need be!如果需要,您可以随时编辑您的问题以确保清晰!

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