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与 ngFor 一起使用的 ngClass 指令

[英]ngClass directive to use with ngFor

I have some list elements, which I am rendering using *ngFor directive.我有一些列表元素,我使用 *ngFor 指令渲染它们。 However, some part of the list items text should be bold according to the specs.但是,根据规范,列表项文本的某些部分应为粗体。 I tried to do this with the [ngClass]="'strong'" when strong is the css class I need to add some portion on the text.我试图用 [ngClass]="'strong'" 来做到这一点,当 strong 是我需要在文本上添加一些部分的 css 类时。 When I run the application the result was the whole text become bold.当我运行应用程序时,结果是整个文本变成粗体。 Below is the screenshot for your better understanding.下面是屏幕截图,以便您更好地理解。 在此处输入图片说明

The requirement is to make the dollar part bold only.要求是仅使美元部分加粗。 I am new to the angular development.我是角度开发的新手。 Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

      <li *ngFor="let text of income; let i = index" [ngClass]="'strong'">{{text.text}}</li>
income = [
    {text:'Your Annual Income:* $1,316,422'},
    {text:'Your Monthly Income: $109,702'}

Try with this code:尝试使用此代码:

    <li *ngFor="let text of income">
        {{ text.split(':')[0] }}: <span class="strong">{{ text.split(':')[1] }}</span>

As long as you're sure it's only about the first letter, you don't need Angular.只要你确定它只是关于第一个字母,你就不需要 Angular。 Nor even JavaScript.甚至 JavaScript 也不行。 There's a pure CSS solution.有一个纯 CSS 解决方案。

 .first-letter-bold::first-letter { font-weight: 900; font-size: 110%; }
 <ul> <li class="first-letter-bold">$1,316,422</li> <li class="first-letter-bold">$1,316,422</li> </ul>

It's because the {{text.text}} contains the full text.这是因为 {{text.text}} 包含全文。 You have to split the "li" like this你必须像这样拆分“li”

  <li *ngFor="let income of incomes; let i = index" [ngClass]="'strong'">{{income.text}}{{income.value</li>

incomes = [
  {text:'Your Annual Income:*',
    value: '$1,316,422'},
  {text:'Your Monthly Income:'
    value: '$109,702'}

As other answers have identified, you need to split your text.正如其他答案所确定的那样,您需要拆分文本。 My preference for this would be to create in interface that models the different parts of the income text.我对此的偏好是在界面中创建对收入文本的不同部分进行建模的界面。

export interface Income {
  amount: string;
  currencySymbol: string;
  text: string;

In your component or service (wherever makes sense when it comes to reusing the interface), you would map the text to the interface.在您的组件或服务中(在重用界面时只要有意义),您可以将文本映射到界面。 This is where the complexity lies.这就是复杂性所在。 I will show a version of using it in the component for simplicity.为简单起见,我将展示在组件中使用它的版本。 In reality you would do this in your service for reusability.实际上,您会在服务中这样做以实现可重用性。

incomes: Income[];

ngOnInit() {
  this.service.getIncomeTexts().subscribe((texts: string[]) => {
    this.incomes = texts.map(x => this.mapTextToIncome(x));

private mapTextToIncome(text: string): Income {
  // this regex will match a string that ends with a dollar symbol 
  // followed by numbers or commas
  // You could extend the possible currency symbols if required
  const parts: string[] = /^(.+)(\$)([\d+,]+)$/.exec(text);
  return {
    amount: parts[3],
    currencySymbol: parts[2],
    text: parts[1]

And then it becomes trivial to use in your HTML:然后在你的 HTML 中使用它变得微不足道:

<ul *ngIf="incomes">
  <li *ngFor="let income of incomes">
    <span class="strong">{{income.currencySymbol}}</span>

I have left amount as a string in my example, but you might want to parse it and treat it as a number so that you can apply your own formatting if you wish.在我的示例中,我将数量作为字符串保留,但您可能想要解析它并将其视为数字,以便您可以根据需要应用自己的格式。

DEMO: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-do6joa演示: https : //stackblitz.com/edit/angular-do6joa

Regex demo: https://regex101.com/r/e4nLLO/2正则表达式演示: https : //regex101.com/r/e4nLLO/2

Of course, the correct answer is that your API should return data in a better format :)当然,正确的答案是您的 API 应该以更好的格式返回数据:)

I have modified only the template part which you have given.我只修改了您提供的模板部分。

With the consideration of data from backend, and assuming that the text will be like you have given, the solution as follows..考虑到后端的数据,并假设文本会像您给出的那样,解决方案如下..

Using [innerHTML] property you can give the string split up step by step and when you reach the $ part, just give class <b> </b> like,使用[innerHTML]属性,您可以逐步拆分字符串,当您到达$部分时,只需提供 class <b> </b>例如,

You can split the text part by part like, '<b>'+ text.text.split(' ')[3][0] + '</b>' .您可以按部分拆分文本部分,例如'<b>'+ text.text.split(' ')[3][0] + '</b>'

By this way, you can make only the $ as bold and remaining text as it is..通过这种方式,您可以仅将$设为粗体,并且保留文本原样。

  <li *ngFor="let text of income; let i = index">
    <div [innerHTML]="text.text.split(' ')[3][0] ? text.text.split(' ')[0] + ' ' + text.text.split(' ')[1]+ ' ' + text.text.split(' ')[2] + ' ' + '<strong>'+ text.text.split(' ')[3][0] + '</strong>' + ' ' + text.text.split(' ')[3].substring(1) : text.text"></div>

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