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如何遍历 @pytest.mark.parametrize 数据或将其打印在测试中

[英]How can I loop over the @pytest.mark.parametrize data or print it on the tests

I have this data that basically are parameters that i want to pass into a function:我有这些数据基本上是我想传递给函数的参数:

data2 = { "user": "bender", "resource": "machine/2", "action": "delete"}
data3 = { "user": "bender", "resource": "machine/2", "action": "delete"}
data4 = { "user": "bender", "resource": "machines/*", "action": "*"}
data5 = { "user": "leela", "resource": "machine/1", "action": "delete"}
data6 = { "user": "leela", "resource": "machine/*", "action": "*"}

I have this test using @pytest.mark.parametrize :我使用@pytest.mark.parametrize进行了此测试:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input",  [
def test_check_if_user_has_permissions(db,test_input):
    tmp = {}
    tmp["user"] = "bender"
    tmp["resource"] = "machine/1"
    tmp["action"] = "delete"

    db.session.query.return_value.filter_by.return_value.join.return_value.all.return_value = [(tmp["user"], tmp["resource"], tmp["action"])]

    assert check_if_user_has_permissions(user = "bender",resource= "machine/1", access_token= "delete") == True

What I want to achieve is pass each data set on the check_if_user_has_permissions(user, resource, action) so I can assert is value, and if the assert fails because the assertion was True == False I want that test case to pass, because in my scenario if this happens it means that the user has no permissions, and the test should pass.我想要实现的是在check_if_user_has_permissions(user, resource, action)上传递每个数据集check_if_user_has_permissions(user, resource, action)以便我可以断言是值,如果断言失败,因为断言是True == False我希望该测试用例通过,因为在我的情况如果发生这种情况,则意味着用户没有权限,并且测试应该通过。

I was trying to print on the tests like print(test_input) to see if it would print all data sets but in only prints one.我试图在像print(test_input)这样的测试上print(test_input) ,看看它是否会打印所有数据集,但只打印一个。

It seems like you're asking two separate questions.你好像在问两个不同的问题。 If you want to assert a negative just use assert not .如果你想断言否定,只需使用assert not If you run pytest with the -v flag it will output all the tests it's running, and for parametrized tests it will also show each parameter value it's running the test with.如果您使用-v标志运行 pytest,它将输出它正在运行的所有测试,对于参数化测试,它还将显示它运行测试的每个参数值。

You can write your test sort of like this:您可以像这样编写测试:

$ cat test.py
import pytest

data = [
    { "user": "bender", "resource": "machine/2", "action": "delete"},
    { "user": "bender", "resource": "machine/2", "action": "delete"},
    { "user": "bender", "resource": "machines/*", "action": "*"},
    { "user": "leela", "resource": "machine/1", "action": "delete"},
    { "user": "leela", "resource": "machine/*", "action": "*"}

def check_if_user_has_permissions(*args, **kwargs):
    # Dummy implementation for demonstration
    import random
    return random.choice([True, False])

@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input', data)
def test_check_if_user_has_permissions(test_input):
    # ... additional test setup ...
    assert not check_if_user_has_permissions(**test_input)

Then run:然后运行:

$ pytest -v test.py
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform cygwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.3.1, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: .
collected 5 items

test.py::test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input0] PASSED          [ 20%]
test.py::test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input1] PASSED          [ 40%]
test.py::test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input2] PASSED          [ 60%]
test.py::test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input3] FAILED          [ 80%]
test.py::test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input4] FAILED          [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________ test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input3] ________________

test_input = {'action': 'delete', 'resource': 'machine/1', 'user': 'leela'}

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input', data)
    def test_check_if_user_has_permissions(test_input):
>       assert not check_if_user_has_permissions(**test_input)
E       AssertionError: assert not True
E        +  where True = check_if_user_has_permissions(**{'action': 'delete', 'resource': 'machine/1', 'user': 'leela'})

test.py:21: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
{'user': 'leela', 'resource': 'machine/1', 'action': 'delete'}
_______________ test_check_if_user_has_permissions[test_input4] ________________

test_input = {'action': '*', 'resource': 'machine/*', 'user': 'leela'}

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input', data)
    def test_check_if_user_has_permissions(test_input):
>       assert not check_if_user_has_permissions(**test_input)
E       AssertionError: assert not True
E        +  where True = check_if_user_has_permissions(**{'action': '*', 'resource': 'machine/*', 'user': 'leela'})

test.py:21: AssertionError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
{'user': 'leela', 'resource': 'machine/*', 'action': '*'}
========================= 2 failed, 3 passed in 0.19s ==========================

I found an easier solution to this problem after some time.一段时间后,我找到了一个更简单的解决方案。

I did a mark.parametrize like this:我做了一个mark.parametrize这样的:

data = 
["bender", "machine_4", "action1", False],
["leela", "machine_2", "action1", False],
["leela", "file/2", "action4", True],
["leela", "file/2", "action2", False],
["leela", "application/1", "action1", True],
["leela", "application/2", "action1", False],
["fry", "application/1", "action1", True],
["zoidberg", "application/1", "action1", False],

@pytest.mark.parametrize("user,resource,action, expected", data)
def test_check_if_user_has_permissions(db,user,resource,action,expected):

    db.session.query.return_value.filter_by.return_value.join.return_value.all.return_value = \
            ("bender", "machine_1", "action1"),
            ("bender", "machine_2", "action1"),
            ("bender", "machine_3", "action1"),
            ("bender", "machine_3", "action2"),
            ("leela", "file/*", "action4"),
            ("leela", "application/1", "*"),
            ("fry", "*", "*"),

    assert check_if_user_has_permissions(user, resource, action) == expected

What i did here was passing the user , resource and action parameters to the function and assert that the response of the function with those parameters is equal to the expected parameter.我在这里所做的是将userresourceaction参数传递给函数,并断言具有这些参数的函数的响应等于expected参数。 So it will work like True == True, depending on the parameters.所以它会像 True == True 一样工作,具体取决于参数。

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