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Forge Viewer - 我们可以将模型对象与在查看器中绘制的标记相关联吗?

[英]Forge Viewer - can we associate objects of model with markups which are drawn in viewer?

I have object tree view on left side of my viewer, now am looking to establish an association with the markups drawn on the viewer, for example if click on wall object, it should focus me that particular wall object along with the markups there and also should hide other markups in that viewer.我在查看器的左侧有对象树视图,现在我希望与在查看器上绘制的标记建立关联,例如,如果单击墙壁对象,它应该将特定墙壁对象与那里的标记一起聚焦应该在该查看器中隐藏其他标记。 So it's making easy for user to see all those associated markups in that wall only.因此,用户可以轻松地仅查看该墙上的所有相关标记。 Is this doable?这是可行的吗?

Thanks in advance提前致谢

这个标记扩展示例应该向您展示如何做,至少,您正在寻找的部分内容: https : //github.com/apprentice3d/ForgeViewerExtensions

it should focus me that particular wall object along with the markups there and also should hide other markups in that viewer.它应该让我关注那个特定的墙对象以及那里的标记,并且还应该隐藏该查看器中的其他标记。

Try control the visibility of a markup with:尝试使用以下方法控制标记的可见性:


And to add markups to the position of a particular node follow here: https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/placing-custom-markup-dbid并在此处为特定节点的位置添加标记: https : //forge.autodesk.com/blog/placing-custom-markup-dbid

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