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如何将这些 Active Directory 帐户操作记录到 CSV 文件中?

[英]How can I log these Active Directory account operations to a CSV file?

I want to create a .csv file for each AD account that is disabled and moved that has the $account.Distingushed name of the object move and the $OU.Distinguished name that the object is moved from.我想为每个被禁用和移动的 AD 帐户创建一个.csv文件,该文件具有对象移动的$account.Distingushed名称和对象$OU.Distinguished移动的$OU.Distinguished名称。

What would be the best way to handle this?处理这个问题的最佳方法是什么?

$OUs | Where-Object{$excludeOUS -notcontains $_.DistinguishedName  } | Foreach-Object {
        $params = @{}
        $params = @{
            SearchBase = [String]$_.DistinguishedName
            SearchScope = [String]"OneLevel"
            AccountInactive = $true
            TimeSpan = ([timespan]$days)
            Verbose = $true
        If($users) { 
        ElseIf($computers) { 
        $accounts = Search-ADAccount @params
        foreach ($account in $accounts) {
            $params = @{}
            $params = @{
                Identity = [string]$account.DistinguishedName
                Verbose = $true
            If ($noDisable -notcontains $account.Name -and $account.ObjectClass -eq "User" ) {
                Disable-ADAccount @params @whatIf


                Set-ADUser @params @WhatIf

                $params.Add("TargetPath", 'OU=Disabled Users,DC=test,DC=local')

                Move-ADObject @params @WhatIf
                # Somehow Export $account.DistinghuisedName and $OU.Distinguished name to .csv???
            ElseIf ($noDisable -notcontains $account.Name -and $account.ObjectClass -eq "Computer") {

                Disable-ADAccount @params @whatIf


                Set-ADComputer @params @WhatIf

                $params.Add("TargetPath", 'OU=Disabled Computers,DC=test,DC=local')

                Move-ADObject @params @WhatIf
                # Somehow Export $account.DistinghuisedName and $OU.Distinguished name to .csv???


You can try something like below code (untested).您可以尝试类似下面的代码(未经测试)。

Set the variables for the csvPath, ouDistinguishedName and accountDistinguishedName.为 csvPath、ouDistinguishedName 和 accountDistinguishedName 设置变量。

You can add those vars to an object and export to csv.您可以将这些变量添加到对象并导出到 csv。 I used $account.Name as the csv name, but you can use something else.我使用 $account.Name 作为 csv 名称,但您可以使用其他名称。

$csvPath = "c:\temp"
$OUs | Where-Object { $excludeOUS -notcontains $_.DistinguishedName } | Foreach-Object {
    $ouDistinguishedName = $_.DistinguishedName
    $params = @{ }
    $params = @{
        SearchBase      = [String]$_.DistinguishedName
        SearchScope     = [String]"OneLevel"
        AccountInactive = $true
        TimeSpan        = ([timespan]$days)
        Verbose         = $true
    If ($users) { 
        $params.Add("UsersOnly", $true)
    ElseIf ($computers) { 
        $params.Add("ComputersOnly", $true)
    $accounts = Search-ADAccount @params
    foreach ($account in $accounts) {
        $accountDistinguishedName = $account.DistinguishedName
        $accountName = $account.Name
        $params = @{ }
        $params = @{
            Identity = [string]$account.DistinguishedName
            Verbose  = $true
        If ($noDisable -notcontains $account.Name -and $account.ObjectClass -eq "User" ) {
            Disable-ADAccount @params @whatIf

            $params.Add("Description", $description)

            Set-ADUser @params @WhatIf

            $params.Add("TargetPath", 'OU=Disabled Users,DC=test,DC=local')

            Move-ADObject @params @WhatIf
            # Somehow Export $account.DistinghuisedName and $OU.Distinguished name to .csv???

            $objectProperty = @{}
            $object = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $objectProperty
            $object | Export-Csv "$csvPath\$accountName.csv" -NoTypeInformation
        ElseIf ($noDisable -notcontains $account.Name -and $account.ObjectClass -eq "Computer") {

            Disable-ADAccount @params @whatIf

            $params.Add("Description", $description)

            Set-ADComputer @params @WhatIf

            $params.Add("TargetPath", 'OU=Disabled Computers,DC=test,DC=local')

            Move-ADObject @params @WhatIf
            # Somehow Export $account.DistinghuisedName and $OU.Distinguished name to .csv???

            $objectProperty = @{}
            $object = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $objectProperty
            $object | Export-Csv "$csvPath\$accountName.csv" -NoTypeInformation


@{"Account" = $accountDistinguishedName; "OU" = $ouDistinguishedName}.GetEnumerator() | Export-Csv "$($csvpath)\$($accountname)" -NoTypeInformation

I figured it out!我想到了!

$acctsCSV = @(
        Account = [string]$account.Name
        OU = [string]$OU.DistinguishedName
$acctsCSV | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation


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