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使用 Python 3 查找包含给定字符串的所有文件的最有效方法是什么,不区分大小写

[英]What is the most efficient way to find all files containing given string, case-insensitive using Python 3

I have a folder with many subfolders and 1000+ text files (50-200mb per file) on different levels, and I want to find which files contain a particular string (regardless of the casing).我有一个文件夹,其中包含许多子文件夹和 1000 多个不同级别的文本文件(每个文件 50-200mb),我想找到哪些文件包含特定的字符串(无论大小写)。

How to implement this for best performance ?如何实现这一点以获得最佳性能 (python3.6.5+) (python3.6.5+)

The task can be decomposed in to two sub-tasks:任务可以分解为两个子任务:

  • Get all the files in the folder.获取文件夹中的所有文件。

  • Check which files contain the string (case-insensitive).检查哪些文件包含字符串(不区分大小写)。

For the first task ( Get all the files in the folder ) I've written benchmark for couple of approaches to do it, and the results are below:对于第一个任务(获取文件夹中的所有文件),我为几种方法编写了基准测试,结果如下:

# test_get_files.py
from glob import glob
from os import walk
from os.path import isfile, join
from timeit import timeit

from tabulate import tabulate

FOLDER = r"/path/to/dir/with/many/nested/files"

def get_files_using_walk_top_down_list(folder):
    return [join(parent, file)
            for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=True)
            for file in filenames]

def get_files_using_walk_top_down_tuple(folder):
    return tuple(join(parent, file)
                 for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=True)
                 for file in filenames)

def get_files_using_walk_top_down_set(folder):
    return {join(parent, file)
            for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=True)
            for file in filenames}

def get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list(folder):
    return [join(parent, file)
            for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=False)
            for file in filenames]

def get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_tuple(folder):
    return tuple(join(parent, file)
                 for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=False)
                 for file in filenames)

def get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_set(folder):
    return {join(parent, file)
            for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=False)
            for file in filenames}

def get_files_using_glob_list(folder):
    return [path
            for path in glob(f"{folder}/**/*", recursive=True)
            if isfile(path)]

def get_files_using_glob_tuple(folder):
    return tuple(path
                 for path in glob(f"{folder}/**/*", recursive=True)
                 if isfile(path))

def get_files_using_glob_set(folder):
    return {path
            for path in glob(f"{folder}/**/*", recursive=True)
            if isfile(path)}

def benchmark(func, folder, number):
    return timeit(stmt=f"{func.__name__}('{folder}')",
                  setup=f"from test_get_files import {func.__name__}",

def main():
    funcs = (get_files_using_glob_list,
    numbers = (100, 500, 1000)
    results = []
    for number in numbers:
        results.extend([(func.__name__, number, benchmark(func, FOLDER, number)) for func in funcs])
    print(tabulate(results, headers="FUNC_NAME NUMBER TOOK".split()))

if __name__ == '__main__':

The output is:输出是:

FUNC_NAME                               NUMBER      TOOK
------------------------------------  --------  --------
get_files_using_glob_list                  100  0.945687
get_files_using_glob_tuple                 100  0.852411
get_files_using_glob_set                   100  0.861514
get_files_using_walk_top_down_list         100  0.320643
get_files_using_walk_top_down_tuple        100  0.326478
get_files_using_walk_top_down_set          100  0.33721
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list        100  0.28824
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_tuple       100  0.295585
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_set         100  0.304363
get_files_using_glob_list                  500  4.23723
get_files_using_glob_tuple                 500  4.2692
get_files_using_glob_set                   500  4.30241
get_files_using_walk_top_down_list         500  1.59499
get_files_using_walk_top_down_tuple        500  1.62841
get_files_using_walk_top_down_set          500  1.67612
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list        500  1.43197
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_tuple       500  1.45971
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_set         500  1.51071
get_files_using_glob_list                 1000  8.42451
get_files_using_glob_tuple                1000  8.61827
get_files_using_glob_set                  1000  8.60752
get_files_using_walk_top_down_list        1000  3.18595
get_files_using_walk_top_down_tuple       1000  3.24857
get_files_using_walk_top_down_set         1000  3.35619
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list       1000  2.86118
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_tuple      1000  2.92635
get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_set        1000  3.01853

I think there's not much place for further improvement of how the files are collected.我认为没有太多地方可以进一步改进文件的收集方式。

get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list wins the race. get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list 赢得比赛。

Now for the second task ( Check which files contain the string (case-insensitive) ), Since when reading the complete file contents before doing the check, there is constant overhead of physically reading all bytes in the file, checking the file line-by-line and breaking the loop upon first matching line seems the most reasonable way to do it.现在进行第二个任务(检查哪些文件包含字符串(不区分大小写) ),因为在进行检查之前读取完整的文件内容时,物理读取文件中的所有字节、逐行检查文件都会产生持续的开销-line 并在第一个匹配行时打破循环似乎是最合理的方法。

Here is the benchmark code for checking the files in different ways:以下是以不同方式检查文件的基准代码:

# search_showcase.py
from os import walk
from os.path import join
from random import choice, randint
from timeit import timeit

from tabulate import tabulate

def get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list(folder):
    return [join(parent, file)
            for parent, _, filenames in walk(folder, topdown=False)
            for file in filenames]

def check_using_in(file, text):
    with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
        for line in fp:
            if text in line.lower():
                return True
    return False

def check_using_index(file, text):
    with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
        for line in fp:
                return True
    return False

def check_using_find(file, text):
    with open(file, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
        for line in fp:
            if line.lower().find(text) != -1:
                return True
    return False

def get_files(files, check_func, text):
    return [file
            for file
            in files
            if check_func(file, text)]

def benchmark(func, files, text, number):
    return timeit(stmt=f"get_files({files}, {func.__name__}, '{text}')",
                  setup=f"from search_showcase import get_files, {func.__name__}",

def main():
    text = "not-so-common-word"
    folder = r"/path/to/files/dir"
    funcs = (check_using_in, check_using_find, check_using_index)

    # using some instead all files to reduce execution time
    all_files = get_files_using_walk_bottom_up_list(folder)
    some_files = [choice(all_files) for _ in range(randint(25, 50))]
    print(f"selected {len(some_files)} of {len(all_files)} files\n")

    # ensure the funcs discover same files before doing the benchmark
    results_by_func = {func: get_files(some_files, func, text) for func in funcs}
    assert (results_by_func[check_using_in] == results_by_func[check_using_find] == results_by_func[check_using_index])

    # print the count of results to get some credibility
    details = {func.__name__: len(results) for func, results in results_by_func.items()}
    print(tabulate(tabular_data=[details], headers="keys"))

    # do the benchmark
    numbers = (5, 10)
    benchmark_results = []
    for number in numbers:
            [(func.__name__, number, benchmark(func, some_files, text, number)) for func in funcs])

    # print the results
    print(tabulate(benchmark_results, headers="FUNC_NAME NUMBER TOOK".split()))

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here is the output:这是输出:

selected 41 of 764 files

  check_using_in    check_using_find    check_using_index
----------------  ------------------  -------------------
              13                  13                   13
FUNC_NAME            NUMBER      TOOK
-----------------  --------  --------
check_using_in            5  0.475356
check_using_find          5  0.678626
check_using_index         5  1.23154
check_using_in           10  0.941205
check_using_find         10  1.35866
check_using_index        10  2.4155

Can you tell me if there is any faster way to write this check (without using milti-threading/processing)?你能告诉我是否有更快的方法来编写这个检查(不使用多线程/处理)?

I think this would be a perfect use case for multiprocessing module.我认为这将是多处理模块的完美用例。 Inside the process function, you can open the file do readlines(), check if string exists and return if string exists.在 process 函数中,您可以打开文件 do readlines(),检查字符串是否存在,如果字符串存在则返回。

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