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春罗。 删除 .aj 档案而不生成新档案

[英]Spring Roo. Deleting .aj archives without generating new ones

I have installed the Roo Shell 2.0.0.RELEASE in my eclipse.我已经在我的 eclipse 中安装了 Roo Shell 2.0.0.RELEASE。 I have never worked with Roo, but, as I understood, it will regenerate the .aj files of my imported roo project when I modify something in them.我从未与 Roo 合作过,但据我所知,当我修改其中的某些内容时,它会重新生成我导入的 roo 项目的 .aj 文件。

However, when you open the projects, it just delete the .aj with commands like this:但是,当您打开项目时,它只是使用如下命令删除 .aj:

roo> Deleted SRC_MAIN_JAVA\com\bbva\front\oorg\cirbe\cirbedaos\dto\vinculaciones\DetalleVinculacionesDaoOutDto_Roo_JavaBean.aj - not required for governor com.bbva.front.oorg.cirbe.cirbedaos.dto.vinculaciones.DetalleVinculacionesDaoOutDto

I don't know if I should write or configure something else, since most manuals I see only say that the Shell should generate these files automatically.我不知道我是否应该编写或配置其他东西,因为我看到的大多数手册都只说 Shell 应该自动生成这些文件。 Any idea about what im missing?知道我缺少什么吗?

Indicate that I think the project used to work with shell 1.1.5 (i imported an existing project), but I was unable to open it, so I used 2.0.0.表示我认为该项目曾经使用shell 1.1.5(我导入了一个现有项目),但是我无法打开它,所以我使用了2.0.0。 It is assumed that Roo has also updated this in the POM files:假设 Roo 也在 POM 文件中更新了它:

Updated ROOT\pom.xml [updated property 'roo.version' to '2.0.0.RELEASE'; updated property 'roo.version' to '2.0.0.RELEASE']

Spring Roo uses the annotations included in your .java files to generate the .aj files. Spring Roo 使用.java文件中包含的注释来生成.aj文件。 Each version of Spring Roo could provide/deprecate different annotations. Spring Roo 的每个版本都可以提供/弃用不同的注释。 Spring Roo 2.x is a major update, and it does not support some of the annotations of Spring Roo 1.x Spring Roo 2.x 是一次重大更新,不支持 Spring Roo 1.x 的部分注解

https://docs.spring.io/spring-roo/docs/current/reference/html/#no-backward-compatibility https://docs.spring.io/spring-roo/docs/current/reference/html/#no-backward-compatibility

As you said, the project was created with the 1.x version of Spring Roo, so the generated code included annotations that are not supported by the 2.x version of Spring Roo.如您所说,该项目是使用 Spring Roo 1.x 版本创建的,因此生成的代码包含 Spring Roo 2.x 版本不支持的注释。 That is the reason because your .aj files are being removed with the message not required for governor .这就是原因,因为您的 .aj 文件将被删除,并显示了not required for governor应用程序的消息。

Also, I guess that a warning message appeared to you in the Spring Roo shell before to open the project.另外,我猜想在打开项目之前在 Spring Roo shell 中向您显示了一条警告消息。

Hope it helps.希望能帮助到你。

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