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如何在 Jetpack Compose 中按基线对齐行元素

[英]How to align row elements by the baseline in Jetpack Compose

How to align elements inside a Row by the baseline.如何按基线对齐Row内的元素。 My issue is that I want to have a Row element with multiple Text elements and each of the Text elements will have different font and size.我的问题是我想要一个包含多个Text元素的Row元素,并且每个Text元素都将具有不同的字体和大小。 By default, they are aligned on the top.默认情况下,它们在顶部对齐。 I need them to be aligned on the bottom.我需要它们在底部对齐。 This is the code:这是代码:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity()  {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)  {

        setContent {
            MaterialTheme {
                Row {
                        text = "Abrakadabra",
                        style = TextStyle(fontSize = 22.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)
                        text = "Abrakadabra",
                        style = TextStyle(fontSize = 14.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold)

Here is the rendered view of the code:这是代码的呈现视图:


In Jetpack Compose 1.0.0 it can be done in this way:在 Jetpack Compose 1.0.0 ,可以通过以下方式完成:

Row {
        text = "One",
        fontSize = 20.sp,
        modifier = Modifier.alignByBaseline()

        text = "Two",
        fontSize = 12.sp,
        modifier = Modifier.alignByBaseline()



If someone wants to align text to the last baseline when using multiline Text it can be done by using Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline)如果有人想在使用多行Text时将文本与最后一个基线对齐,可以使用Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline)来完成

Row {
        text = "Line 1\nLine 2",
        fontSize = 20.sp,
        modifier = Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline)

        text = "Line 3",
        fontSize = 12.sp,
        modifier = Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline)


目前,使用 Jetpack Compose 1.0.0-alpha03 ,您可以通过以下方式实现:

Text(modifier = Modifier.alignWithSiblings(FirstBaseline), ...)

I'm not at all proud of this;我一点也不为此感到自豪。 I'm just reporting.我只是报道。 The answers listed on stackoverflow ( use Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline) , wrap Text() inside of a Box() and use Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomStart) ) didn't work for me. stackoverflow 上列出的答案(使用Modifier.alignBy(LastBaseline) ,将 Text() 包装在 Box() 内并使用Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomStart) )对我不起作用。 Probably because I'm using an onTextLayout callback.可能是因为我正在使用onTextLayout回调。

Until I can find something way less hacky, this will get me what I want.直到我能找到不那么老套的东西,这会让我得到我想要的。

fun ForceTextToBottom(){
    val density=LocalDensity.current
    var offset by remember{mutableStateOf(0.dp)}
    var aHeightThatIAlreadyKnowInAdvance=100.dp
           //some stuff before the stubborn Text()
        Row{//the parent of the stubborn Text()
            Image{//the sibling of the stubborn Text()
            Text(sentence, //This is the stubborn Text()
                    //Some layout size correction logic

Not anything I'm happy about.没有什么让我高兴的。 But it gets the text to align to the bottom.但它使文本与底部对齐。

Hello here is the best answer你好这里是最佳答案

Row(verticalAlignment = Alignment.Bottom ) {
        text = "One",
        fontSize = 20.sp,

        text = "Two",
        fontSize = 12.sp,

By using verticalAlignment and horizontalArrangement in a Row or horizontalAlignment and verticalArrangement in a Column you can control the position easy, and there is a lot of options that you need to take a look on them as an example for Row you can use verticalAlignment = Alignment.Bottom or verticalAlignment = Alignment.Top or verticalAlignment = Alignment.Center通过在行中使用verticalAlignment和horizo​​ntalArrangement或在列中使用horizo​​ntalAlignment和verticalArrangement,您可以轻松控制位置,并且您需要查看很多选项作为Row的示例,您可以使用verticalAlignment = Alignment.BottomverticalAlignment = Alignment.TopverticalAlignment = Alignment.Center

Add the following modifier to both the Text composables and that should take care of it.将以下修饰符添加到两个 Text 可组合项中,这应该会处理它。 Here is the code for your reference这是供您参考的代码

Text(...,  modifier = LayoutGravity.RelativeToSiblings(alignmentLine = FirstBaseline))
Text(...,  modifier = LayoutGravity.RelativeToSiblings(alignmentLine = FirstBaseline))


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