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如何在发布管道中的 Azure DevOps 中输出 terraform 输出文件

[英]How to output terraform output file in Azure DevOps in release pipeline

How to output Terraform output file in Azure DevOps in release pipeline.如何在发布管道中的 Azure DevOps 中输出 Terraform 输出文件。 I am using Run Terraform task in Release pipeline.我在发布管道中使用运行 Terraform 任务。 I have a output file in Repo which outputs public IPs.我在 Repo 中有一个输出文件,它输出公共 IP。 I want to store it as Variable which can be used in further tasks.我想将它存储为可用于进一步任务的变量。

For this issue ,it can be done with a simple output and powershell script:对于这个问题,可以通过一个简单的输出和 powershell 脚本来完成:

1.Specify the output variable from terraform task 1.指定terraform任务的输出变量


2.Create a PowerShell step in your release and insert the following script: 2.在您的版本中创建一个 PowerShell 步骤并插入以下脚本:

$json = Get-Content $env:jsonPath | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach($prop in $json.psobject.properties) {
    Write-Host("##vso[task.setvariable variable=$($prop.Name);]$($prop.Value.value)")

This will automatically create a variable for every output provided by the terraform script.这将自动为terraform脚本提供的每个输出创建一个变量。

Make sure you have provided the environment variable jsonPath like this:确保您提供了这样的环境变量 jsonPath:


Here is the reference you can refer to.下面是引用你可以参考一下。

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