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[英]How to make a bag of words using split method from a text file in python

I am trying to learn TFIDF.我正在尝试学习 TFIDF。 But I coudnt bag the words from file.但是我无法从文件中提取单词。


docA = open("/home/user/Desktop/da/doca","r")
bowA = docA.split(" ")


Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-06e07f9dd975> in <module>
----> 1 bowA = docA.split(" ")

AttributeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object has no attribute 'split'`
Can anyone help me solve this?

I assume that you meant this:我假设你的意思是:

docA = open("/home/user/Desktop/da/doca","r")
# print(docA.read())
bowA = docA.read().split(" ") # or just split() will do

When you call read() the read cursor reads the entire file, leaving the read-cursor at the end.当您调用read() ,读取游标读取整个文件,将读取游标留在最后。 So calling read() again will return empty string.所以再次调用read()将返回空字符串。 Hence if you would like to print the content, you can assign the content to a variable, print it and use it as you wish:因此,如果您想打印内容,您可以将内容分配给一个变量,打印它并根据需要使用它:

docA = open("/home/user/Desktop/da/doca","r")
data = docA.read()
bowA = data.split()

Or simply或者干脆

with open("/home/user/Desktop/da/doca","r") as docA:
    data = docA.read()
bowA = data.split()

You want to use the returned string instead of the file handle:您想使用返回的字符串而不是文件句柄:

docA = open("/home/user/Desktop/da/doca","r")
document_string = docA.read()
bowA = document_string.split()

You can just call split , by default it splits on whitespace您可以调用split ,默认情况下它会在空白处拆分

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