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在字符串 C++ 中找到第一个没有零的数字

[英]Find first no zero number in a string C++

Hello is there a way to find first number (from 1 to 9, no zero) in a string?您好,有没有办法在字符串中找到第一个数字(从 1 到 9,没有零)? Is there a way with std::find or do i need other function to do this?有没有办法使用 std::find 或者我需要其他功能来做到这一点?

You can traverse std::string as a char array with [] operator and size() function to get its length.您可以使用 [] 运算符和 size() 函数将 std::string 作为字符数组遍历以获取其长度。 Then you can check for char values from 49 to 57 (in decimal, according to ASCII table).然后您可以检查从 49 到 57 的字符值(十进制,根据 ASCII 表)。


As mentioned in the comments below, it would be clearer to compare with the range from '1' to '9' than from 49 to 57. But it would be useful anyway to get familiar with different char representations.正如在下面的评论中所提到的,与从 '1' 到 '9' 的范围进行比较比从 49 到 57 的范围更清楚。但无论如何熟悉不同的字符表示法都是有用的。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main()
    std::string search_str = "abcd56";

    for (int i = 0; i < search_str.size(); ++i) {
        if (search_str[i] >= '1' && search_str[i] <= '9') {
            std::cout << "found at " << i << "\n";

As for std::find, I would better use std::find_first_of, which takes two pairs of iterators, one pointing to the range to be searched in and another to the range of elements to search for.至于 std::find,我最好使用 std::find_first_of,它需要两对迭代器,一个指向要搜索的范围,另一个指向要搜索的元素范围。 If the result of std::find_first_of is not equal to the end() of the searched range, then the first element index can be found with std::distance(search_range.begin(), result).如果 std::find_first_of 的结果不等于搜索范围的 end(),则可以使用 std::distance(search_range.begin(), result) 找到第一个元素索引。

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main()
    std::string search_str = "abcd56";
    std::vector<char> find_range {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};

    auto result = std::find_first_of(search_str.begin(), search_str.end(), find_range.begin(), find_range.end());

    if (result == search_str.end()) {
        std::cout << "no elements were found\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << "found match at "
                  << std::distance(search_str.begin(), result) << "\n";

Hello is there a way to find first number (from 1 to 9, no zero) in a string?您好,有没有办法在字符串中找到第一个数字(从 1 到 9,没有零)?

You can use std::find_if to do so:您可以使用std::find_if来这样做:

 template< class InputIt, class UnaryPredicate > InputIt find_if( InputIt first, InputIt last, UnaryPredicate p );

find_if searches for an element for which predicate p returns true find_if 搜索谓词 p 返回 true 的元素

#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    auto const str = std::string{"hello user #0002654"};
    auto const first_non_zero_it = std::find_if(begin(str), end(str), [](char c) {
        return std::isdigit(c) && c != '0';

    std::cout << *first_non_zero_it << '\n'; // prints 2

Demo: https://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/e3880961973ce038演示: https : //coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/e3880961973ce038

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